US court allows more phone snooping


The secretive US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court renewed the authority of US intelligence agencies to collect data on millions of Americans’ telephone calls in a program that has set off a legal battle over privacy rights.

The court allowed the intelligence community to collect metadata from phone companies, the Office of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in a news release.

The release offered almost no details about the ruling, but a US official said the authority was renewed for three months, and that it applied to the entire metadata collection program.

In the past, these orders were sometimes issued to individual telephone companies. But the official said the latest order covered all companies from which metadata had been collected under recent previous court authorizations.

News the National Security Agency can track the telephone calls of Americans by collecting metadata of who they contact and when, was one of the main revelations by former spy agency contractor Edward Snowden last year that set off public outcry about government spying.

Two US district judges recently issued conflicting rulings on the legality and constitutionality of bulk metadata collection by the NSA.

Clapper’s office said that US intelligence agencies were “open to modifications” to the metadata collection program that “would provide additional privacy and civil liberty protections while still maintaining its operational benefits.”

The NSA says it only uses the metadata of Americans in limited circumstances and with great care.

A panel of outside experts appointed by President Barack Obama recently questioned whether the results produced by bulk metadata collection outweighed the intrusion into Americans’ privacy. It suggested possible changes in the program, but not its cancellation.

Obama is expected to produce his own recommendations for reforms or changes in US electronic surveillance later this month.


  1. The dystopian fantasies of yesteryear are now a reality. We’ve allowed the coming of an age where the civil liberties our forefathers fought so hard for are being eroded by the day. Freedom of Press, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly are mere ghostly images of their original intent. We’ve woken up to an Orwellian Society of Fear where anyone is at the mercy of being labeled a terrorist for standing up for rights we took for granted just over a decade ago. Read about how we’re waging war against ourselves at

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