130MW hydropower starts test generation


The 130 Mega watts Duber Khwar Hydro Power Station in Kohistan district has started its test generation on Saturday.

This station is situated at the right bank tributary of the IndusRiver.

Project Direcotr Iftikhar Ahmed said that130MW of electricity will be available to the national grid very soon.

He said that the Unit 1 of the power station has been synchronised to the national and the station was commissioned with-in a record period of eight months.

Talking about the technical support he said that Andritz Hydro Austria has supplied and installed the complete electro-mechanical equipment and services with the focus on its “water to wire” concept. The supplies consisted of two 65 MW Pelton-type turbines with a rated head of 516 m, associated generators and generator auxiliaries, the complete Electrical Power Systems incl, Iftikhar Ahmed maintained.
The Duber Khwar project is located on the same name river, at right bank tributary of the IndusRiver in the Khyber Pakhtoon-khawa (KPK) province, District Kohistan. The location is approximate 300 km north of Islamabad.


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