Sad day for Pakistan


Those who opposed creation of Pakistan and have not accepted it even after 66 year, would be delighted at events which took place 1st January. Where else in the world can a retired Khaki, who has been charged with subversion of constitution, dare to defy courts and get away with it?. May Almighty save this country from tyranny of those, whom this country has given honor and power, which they never deserved.

 Pakistan was created through a constitutional struggle, but unfortunately after Quaid’s death, it has been ruled by despots, dictators and midgets, for whom neither writ of law was important, nor even any restraint by few powerful elements to publicly ridicule 1973 Constitution. The net result of our collective follies is chaos that we witness today, within our borders and terrorism of all forms threatening lives of citizens. In a country, where sanctity of constitution and judicial rulings are considered less important than ego of an individual, it sadly qualifies either as Banana Republic or failing state. Remember Somalia which exists as a geographically specified area, but declared as a rogue country, with a dysfunctional judiciary, and armed gangs exerting hegemony through barrel of gun. When Bhagat Singh was sentenced to death in 1931, his hanging was detested and opposed by citizen of undivided India and no Magistrate was willing to supervise his execution, save one man, an Honorary Magistrate, Mohammed Ahmed Khan, who volunteered to please Viceroy Lord Irvin, in return for favors. Bhagat Singh lives today after his death, remembered as a freedom fighter.

It would have been far better if Musharraf could have been dissuaded from returning back to Pakistan, or forced to leave before charge of high treason were filed by federal government, so that Pakistan could be saved the ridicule it is undergoing. Now that charges have been framed and judicial process started, neither establishment, nor any foreign country should be allowed to intervene, otherwise for forever this country, its judiciary and constitution would be doomed. As it is armed militants like TTP do not accept our constitution and any such move would only strengthen such elements.


