Balochistan’s criminal gangs


Flourishing unchecked

Law and order situation in Balochistan is quite distant from what one could describe as normal. At the top of it, the way the government has been handling it has only exacerbated the situation. It has pretty much left the entire province and the people at the mercy of criminals, terrorists and the so-called nationalists. That would have been understandable had the government been unable to provide the citizens of the wretched province any protection, but while prima facie it has the capacity to establish its writ, it lacks the will and intent to do so. This makes the whole affair sordid. Add to that the role of security and intelligence agencies and one doubts if the government really wants to treat the largest province as a part of federation.

Kidnapping for ransom has long been an issue in the country and people in all provinces have been its victims. The kidnappers seem to follow a certain profile: the kidnapped person has to belong to a well-heeled family, has political clout or is a diplomat. To them they are not only easy targets but also the most lucrative ones. The assassinated Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer’s son, former PM Yousuf Raza Gillani’s son, former VC Peshawar Islamia College University, and the ANP leader and Kasi tribe chief Arbab Zahir are some of the more prominent victims. The severity of the crime and the daring of the criminals can be judged from the fact that the kidnappers now have demanded Rs1bn as ransom for the release of the Kasi tribe’s chief. With the CM Balochistan stating that there are 78 criminal gangs involved in kidnapping and other subversive activities, it is all the more important that they are apprehended and the situation is brought back to normal. This number is for the city of Quetta alone, clearly indicating that how, having been allowed to flourish unchecked for far too long, the criminals have been able to establish their stranglehold. Now even professionals, doctors, businessmen, NGO officials, foreign diplomats are in their extended range.

It is not just the criminal gangs but also the terrorists, mainly of the TTP variety, that are involved in the heinous activity. They kidnap government officials and foreigners as bargaining chips for ransom and release of fellow terrorists. What is needed is better intelligence and also improved communication across intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies, along with governments that are willing to take action against these criminal elements.