Politics of tamasha


It is unfortunate that traditional political parties have failed the people of Pakistan by their hesitancy to curb corruption, nepotism, inflation and lawlessness.

These leaders living in houses spread over several acres, have no touch with reality of life and hardships faced by masses. Other than their indulgence in egoistic protests about how they should be addressed, or their claims for protocol, perks etc, there has hardly been a protest lodged by any of them on discriminatory tax immunity given to known tax evaders, giving relaxation to smuggled cars to be regularised on payment of nominal duty, or distribution of numerous subsidised expensive real estate property to paid servants of the state, for doing nothing extraordinary other than performing duties for which they are regularly paid.

Why has no parliamentarian demanded that HEC be allowed to function and perform their assigned role, or why should government prefer appointing foreign nationals, who having pledged an oath of loyalty to another country, including an oath binding them to perform combatant or non-combatant duties if called upon to do so, instead of those holding singular Pakistani nationality? What is preventing our parliamentarians from holding executives responsible for not collecting taxes due from all citizens, especially those owing billions and yet living a lifestyle which only the ultra-rich can afford?

What prevents parliamentarians to demand from FBR to adopt policy that onus of justifying assets, expensive limousines, foreign visits, foreign assets and bank accounts falls on individuals instead of the state, as is practice in other countries? Can any parliamentarian explain one such scheme of tax amnesty granted to black economy barons, which has resulted in increase in tax collection, reduction in inflation, or reduced unemployment in Pakistan? Why should there be such extravagance and pomp and glamour on taxpayers’ account, for a simple handing over ceremony of paid public servants such as Chief of Staff?




  1. Militaly and civilian leadeship are in bed together to "LOOT" the country. They feed the mulaah's to feed the hype against India, USA, Afganistan,…. etc. so that people will not pat attention to the severe shortcomings of the leadershiop.

    Media is also in bed with the corrupt leadership as they just do lip service, against them if any.

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