White Lies


Well, he’s not a patch on his elder brother as far as the whole charm offensive is concerned, but the Punjab chief minister certainly scored a PR coup of sorts across the border the other day when he visited Indian Punjab. Good natured colloquial language and the unavoidable reference to Punjabi cuisine.

Soon, some other cuisine is going to come across the border as well. Avari Lahore is opening up a Luckhnavi cuisine restaurant. Big deal; there are a lot of restaurants around. Well, for this one, the chefs are coming from across the border.

Food is going to save us.


Many steps are being taken in order to back the finance minister’s tall order of getting the rupee back to ’98 levels. This includes clamping down on the hundi network.

This has, it has been reported, made things uncomfortable for a certain political party that runs on “donations” and sends them abroad. Tightened up as it was by the unforgiving exchange rate, the amount they are going to get through is going to be lesser still. When it rains, it pours for the party, which is in a bind of late, on other fronts as well.


  1. With Scotland Yard's money laundering investigation, these are bad times for Quaid e Qawam, who might as well open a Haleem outlet in East End.

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