Pakistan Today

Meeting Manmohan Singh

Hurdles in Pak-India relations

One appreciates the keenness on the part of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to improve relations with India. Unless ties between the nuclear neighbours who are engaged in a race to develop more sophisticated bombs and more efficient delivery systems improve leading to a reduction in defence expenditure, they cannot ameliorate the lot of millions of people living below the poverty line in the two countries. This had obviously prompted the prime minister to send a message to his Indian counterpart through Shahbaz Sharif. The latter also invited Manmohan Singh to visit Pakistan. According to the Economic Times, the Indian PM appreciated the sentiment but remained noncommittal on visiting Pakistan. What is more he raised the issue of ceasefire violations along the LoC. During his interaction with the media later, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was asked questions about Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, which according to a media report he evaded. This amply shows that despite the desire to evolve friendly ties, hurdles remain in the way. Both sides need to pay attention to their removal to create an atmosphere conducive to successful parleys between the two prime ministers.

The Indian ruling party is facing tough competition in the forthcoming elections from the Hindu nationalist BJP. Relations with Pakistan being a sensitive issue in Indian politics, the Congress cannot afford to take any major step in the direction. The situation will become clear only after the elections which are due May 2014 are over and a new government is formed. Pakistan also faces serious internal issues which PM Sharif is expected to sort out urgently. A decision is yet to be made regarding a clear cut policy towards the militants who after a brief spell have again increased their activities, as the reports of attacks on security forces and police in North Wazirsistan, Khyber agency Swat and Swabi indicate. The main section of the GLOCs remains closed for movement of the US and NATO cargo to and from Afghanistan on account of the blockade by the PTI activists. The PM is also busy meeting the newly inducted COAS and CJCS. His continuous absence from the National Assembly is being criticized by the opposition.

It may not be realistic under the circumstances to hope for the revival of talks with India before a new government is in place in the neighbouring country. What Sharif needs to do meanwhile is to concentrate on domestic issues.

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