Beyond 2014


On Dec 10th, clerical staff of Pakistan National Assembly were having a relaxed day. No, it was not a day off; on the contrary, the legislators were quite busy debating a routine resolution asking the US to stop drone strikes. However for clerical staff, it was business as usual — to file another resolution on drone strikes. As of now, no one remembers how many resolutions Pakistan’s National Assembly and Senate have passed condemning the violation of country’s sovereignty by impending drones. But apparently, no one takes these routine resolutions any seriously. On the other hand, Pakistan’s opposition to drone strikes is being questioned.

World is justified to ask when Pakistan itself can’t get to the terrorists roaming and operating from its soil, then why raise objection on the elimination of these high-value targets by others. As the legislators were competing with each other to drum up their opposition to drone strikes, ruling parties in KP province, PTI and JI, were harassing NATO supply trucks drivers, breaking into sealed containers while enforcing the blockade of NATO supply/equipment withdrawal routes.

Putting aside the threat of losing billions of dollars in aid from Coalition Support Fund due to the actions of KP government, Pakistan needs to make a 180 degrees turnaround in its appeasing policy towards religious extremists. Pakistan can’t ride two boats at the same time as it’s hurting itself beyond imagination. We all know noises against drone attacks are nothing but part of a propaganda war trying to disrupt the elimination of terrorists. It’s a blatant lie that drones are indiscriminately targeting the general public – if this is the case, then why no data is available on civilians killed by drones. Recent drone strike on a Hangu seminary proves the point wherein three commanders of Haqqani Network were taken out. Despite repeated requests, the KP government failed to provide details of children killed in Hangu strike — obviously they can’t claim Taliban commanders as children. It’s on record that soon after a drone strike, the Talban encircle the area and then take away dead bodies and injured along. That tells the whole story behind this propaganda.

It’s high time for US, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other regional countries to work together to eliminate the threat looming over South Asia. One wonders the extent of chaos and bloodshed this region is going to witness after 2014. After taking over Kabul, Taliban’s next stop will be Islamabad. Worrying time for those who have forgotten the Afghan Taliban’s atrocities in 1990s and of Pakistani Taliban’s barbarism in Swat in 2008/09.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia