Nip the evil in the bud


Contain sectarian clashes before they spiral out of hand

The monster of sectarianism has again raised its ugly head after decades in Pakistan. Not that the sectarian tendencies did not exist meanwhile, they just failed to develop into tensions. But now sectarian tension is spreading fast. Unless the government decides to nip the evil in the bud, sectarian violence could turn out to be a more difficult issue to cope with than terrorist attacks. Among other things, it could poison relations between communities, living side by side in rural areas and urban centres, a feat the terrorist attacks have not been able to accomplish. The fire that was ignited in Rawalpindi engulfed Multan, Bahalwalnagar, Chishtian and Haroonabad in no time. On Monday, sectarian violence took toll of three in Kohat including two policemen. Violence was also reported from nearby Hangu. Curfew had to be extended for another day in Kohat. In what appear to be a case of sectarian attack, a staff member of the Gujrat University was gunned down along with his driver. A sectarian outfit has announced a countrywide protest for Friday. Defence of Pakistan Council which is an umbrella organisation comprising sectarian groups, and is supported by Jamaat-e-Islami and individuals with extremist tendencies, has announced support for the protest. Moves of the type amount to adding fuel to fire.

The PTI has called for holding an NA session on the issue of sectarianism. The government would do well not only to take the house into confidence over the mayhem in Rawalpindi but also about its policy to deal with the impending threat. What is needed is a multifaceted policy that not only effectively deals with the emerging situation but also suggests measures to root out extremism and intolerance in society over time. The ulema belonging to all sects have, of course, to be taken on board and asked to contain the black sheep in their ranks. The government needs to identify the perpetrators and inciters of violence in Rawalpindi and other cities where clashes took place, prepare fool proof cases against them and take them to justice. The government also needs to invoke the relevant laws to curb hate speeches and incitements to violence with an iron hand. There may indeed be need to add to the punishments already conceived in the relevant laws against spreading hate. And on its part, the media has to play a proactive role in combating sectarian hatred and disseminating tolerance.