Pakistan Today

NATO supplies to be suspended after consultation: KP CM

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak on Sunday said the NATO supply routes would be blocked after consulting political parties, a private TV channel reported.
“The NATO supply line will not be restored until the drone strikes are put to an end,” Khattak reiterated his party’s firm stance on the issue of the unilateral US drone strikes in Pakistani territory while addressing a public meeting in Mansehra.
Commenting on the local bodies’ polls, the KP CM labelled the LB system planned to be introduced in Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab as a sham.
“The local bodies set up for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will allow its people and public representatives such empowerment which has no precedence in the history,” he pledged, adding, in such a system the bureaucracy will function under LB representatives instead of ministers.
Khattak said the US drone attack which killed TTP chief Hakeemullah was not an ordinary coincidence but part of well-orchestrated conspiracies against Pakistan.
He said that peace in the region, especially Pakistan, was against the US interests therefore it intentionally targeted the TTP leader to sabotage peace efforts.
A powerful and independent accountability commission would start functioning in the province soon which would be able to arrest anyone, including the chief minister, he added.
The PTI has planned to provide free education and healthcare facilities to all without any discrimination while computerisation of all land record would bring an end to complaints of corruption.
The CM said, “Affluent people have been offering to donate billions to support our cause of education which will turn the backward province around.”

The CM added that the issue of insurgency could be resolved if clerics move in the right direction with a political will.
“If the federal government failed to properly engage in peace talks with the TTP, the PTI would initiate the process on its own. We will stop NATO supplies in case of continued drone strikes,” he warned.

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