PTI announces to suspend NATO supplies


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Saturday decided to suspend NATO supplies in the wake of the killing of TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud by a US drone.
Announcing the decision at a press conference after a meeting of PTI’s top leadership, Imran Khan demanded an end to drone attacks and said his party had decided to adopt democratic means by seeking political support for the decision.
“NATO supplies must be stopped and remain so till such time that the federal government is able to stop drones and give a clear commitment about the efforts for structured dialogue for peace. The CM of KP has decided to call an emergency session of the provincial assembly to pass a resolution and to build up support with all other parties for this purpose. It is imperative for the KP government to get passed a resolution in the provincial assembly on an emergency basis to stop NATO supplies. The people of FATA and KPK have been devastated by the over nine years,” he added.
Experts view the move a major decision. If the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government blocks the NATO supplies, this may trigger a major constitutional crisis.
“Now the PTI will move resolutions in the National, Sindh and Punjab assemblies to block NATO supplies. The KP Assembly will pass a unanimous resolution. I will move a resolution in the National Assembly on Monday,” Imran Khan said.
He said that the only condition to talks with the TTP was an end to drone attacks. “But just before the talks began, we saw this drone strike taking place which is a part of “greater plot” to derail the peace process.”
To a question as to how a provincial government could take a decision contrary to the federal government’s policy, Imran Khan explained that their decision was well within legal means available. He said that the recourse of blocking the NATO supplies had been approved by the Peshawar High Court in its decision on drone strikes and it had called on the government to do all it could, including approaching the United Nations.
“We will forward a resolution in the Sindh Assembly, where we have representation, to stop the flow of NATO supplies and will also raise the issue in the National Assembly,” he said.
He said a resolution would be moved by PTI’s opposition leader Mahmoodur Rashid in the Punjab Assembly. The nation – including the political parties – needed to be united to turn things around in the country, Imran said.
Shortly after the press conference, the PTI issued a press release on its website, saying, “We call for an immediate All Parties Conference which must support our decision of stopping NATO supplies, given the disruption of the dialogue process.”
Separately, PTI Senior Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi talked to PPP leader Khurshid Shah on the phone and urged to hold a joint meeting on Monday to review the situation.
Both discussed the agenda with reference to peace talks during their contact. They agreed on holding talks with other opposition parties with regard to peace talks with the TTP on November 4 besides exchanging views on evolving joint strategy.


  1. Imran khan is the most stupid politician of pakistan, he is not capabale of being at a responsible position,he seems to be on the side of terrorists rather than on the side of people of pakistan ,who are the victom of these terrorists

      • Because his father is a trailer Driver.This idiot riaz cannot grasp the sitiation hence this silly comment.

        • So this means we will be reliant on NATO to support our economy.

          Please change this slave mentality. Learn to stand on your own feet. This is what IK wants us to start doing. For got sake start believing in your own selfs and gain some self respect.

    • Absolutely right. Peoples of Pakistan are facing lot of other crucial problems. No jobs, sever inflation. No security, no good education, No electricity, No gas, poor law and order. Even most of Pakistanis do not have clean water to drink. But our inefficient politicians have nothing to do with poor peoples problems. They only want to get power by exploiting poor people.

  2. Both nawaz sharif and imran khan are cowards,they are a disgrace for pakistan,Hakim ullah has gone to hell

  3. The US and UK should ban imran and pti supporters from visiting US. Also NSA should monitor all the PTI supporters in US and UK as potential terrorists.

    • You must be out of your mind. If the united states allows you and others like you, then it should be easy access to rest of us.

    • How about divided we stand, united we fall . This is what Nawaz Sharif and his beloved brother has done by continued money laundering and stealling from the national banks.

  4. All these jokers commenting on Imran Khan should read Nawaz shareef's coment first and then slap on their faces.
    @usa so called the best us and uk should put a ban on them selves first for talking to talibans in Afghanistan and yeman.

  5. To all trolls of Imran Taliban Khan;
    a) He promised to eliminate corruption in 90 days — Even after the lapse of 156 days and with a large-size cabinet, KPK is still plagued with corruption!
    b) He promised to end family politics when comes to power — His Chief Minister Pervez Khattak got 3 ladies of his family "elected" against reserved seats.

    c) He promised to hold local body elections in 90 days — There are no signs of local body elections during the calendar year 2013. Still dilly-dallying!!
    You fooled me once, it's your fault; You fooled me twice, it's my fault; and when You fooled me thrice, you are definitely a clueless PTI Troll !!

    • Where is Noora now? What has he to say on the latest events in Pakistan.

      The crook is in the UK busy in his business deals. Shame on him and his supporters.

      • PTI Trolls have no ethics or moral values at all … They are blind worshippers of their Lifetime Chorman Imran Taliban Khan Niazi. They fail to recognize the lies their Lifetime Aaqa has been making about 90 days saga!
        One can expect only an abusive language from these mindless & senseless Trolls.

    • You proved your ignorance. Prove any corruption at government level in KPK.
      PTI is in power for the first time in a troubled province your masters have taken turn in power so many times and look where we are now.
      If you don't have logic and sense just keep cooking.

  6. it is not time to be sentimental. we should give to to saner thought in direction to slove the problem.Federal govt should take bold step to wards take initiative to peace dialogue.It is not Taliban ,they are attacking but they are tools of CIA,Mosad And raw.Reconize them first

  7. If the Taliban are enemies of Pakistan – as they should be after killing 50,000 Pakistanis including women and children and members of Pakistan's armed forces- then how is killing their leader an act against Pakistan's interests. This Taliban leader had posted videos on the internet slaughtering Pakistani soldiers. How can his killing be a bad thing? It is time for people to make up their minds whether they love Imran more or Pakistan more.

  8. After successfully eradicating corruption within 90 days as per his election promise, Mr Imran Khan AKA Drone Khan promises to stop the NATO supply with same vigour and spirit.

  9. if Taliban strikes Punjab then see how nawaz Sharif surrenders at front of Taliban i didn’t see such a coward person.. Taliban are not our enemies they are enemies of US BCz Taliban are Mujahideen… . ik is our leader.. we r with him.

  10. Guys – Imran is not crying about the death, he is crying about the mayhem that will be caused due to this drone attack on Pakistan's sovereignty and the eventual end of peace talks. Hope that sense prevails on all sides and this act of aggression to de-rail the peace process is countered. Let's solve our problems though dialogue rather than drones and suicide-bombing that follows


  12. Lets see if their actions follow their words. If not, then IK is just another politician who has figured out that there is no other business in Pakistan more profitable than politics.

  13. 30,000 people were killed in the 'troubles' in Northern Ireland but negotiation and power sharing has lead to peace. If you want peace you must compromise, if you want war you can go on killing for ever.

  14. hoping against hope that america and pakistan would engage in a'd be excting to everyone and allow an opportunity to embrace shahadat.
    Cant wait to see………

  15. The elections which brought them into power were manipulated, if not rigged as widely believed, by Mehsud. He very generously allowed right-wing parties like PML (N), PTI, JI and JUI (F) to continue with their election campaign peacefully and threatened to bomb election rallies of ANP, MQM and PPP, the liberal parties. They attacked election rallies of these parties and forced them to stay inside giving open field to the parties of their choice. Had it not been the threats and attacks and there was a level-playing field for launching election campaign, the electoral results could have been different. Read more at:

  16. Yes, there were negotiations in Northern Ireland. But the IRA had agreed to a weapons decomissioning process which was overseen by a three-member committee. Will the Taliban agree to putting down their weapons? If they do, negotiate with them NOW. But anyone who believes that the Taliban will agree to that must be out of his or her mind.
    It is all very well to draw these parallels. But they have to be done with a modicum of common sense and appreciation of facts.

  17. IK + Ch.Nisar = Taliban Sympthizer
    IK + Ch.Nisar = Taliban Admireors
    IK + Ch.Nisar = Bad name for Pakistan Army

  18. All this talk about the peace process,all this nonsense and waste of time discussing how this so called peace process is good for Pakistan.Really? What process?Its a one sided deal the Taliban want to force feed,they want the drones stopped first and foremost,they want all their people killing machines(fellow terrorists)freed,they want the government,the army and the people of Pakistan to do as they are told,in return,the Taliban will stop killing the people of Pakistan,is that a good thing? is that what the peace process is all about? what exactly are all the supporters of different political parties whining about? whether you are Imran Khan's supporter of the Sharif government,this has nothing to do with whats best for Pakistan or the people,there is nothing good about it,its all about what the Taliban want,in return,they will spare your life? wake up people,these terrorists will kill thei own mother to prove their poing,in the name of Islam? Sure,keep dreaming.Before you go on blaming other countries and their leaders,look at your own leaders who say one thing in public and do the opposite behind closed doors.There is no peace process,its a compromise.After losing thousands of lives of innocent people,soldiers from around the world,these terrorists should be eliminated from the face of this earth,PERIOD.

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