Save health not meat!


Storgae of sacrifical animals meat in refrigerators for long period of time may become hazardous to health, experts warned.

On the occasion of Eid-ul Azha, it is a tradition to distribute a large part of sacrificial animals meat among the underprivileged, relatives and friends, as well as preserve it for later use.

However, using of stored meat after many days may lead to digestive disorders, diarrhoea, food poisoning along with symptoms like bloated stomach, abdominal pain, indigestion, and constipation, so people should avoid storing meat for months since the outage of power affects the quality of the stored meat.

A private practitioner, Dr Uzair Awan, said that the quality of meat is affected if it is not preserved at a certain temperature.

“Many bacteria present in the meat die if it is properly cooked, but people should avoid meat if it has a foul smell,” he added.

A physician Salma said meat could be stored for many days in proper cooling, but prolonged hours of load shedding prevent constant cooling, causing health complications.

Barbecuing meat is also unsafe for health since the meat is not properly cooked that way and, in most cases, could lead to contracting different diseases, she added.

The advantages of having meat are helpful to young people in the process of growth. But over eating of any thing cause malady and is harmful for health.

Eating meat should also be balanced with healthy foods like vegetables and fruits, and also regular exercise can work wonders.


  1. Leave the slaughtered meet out in open air for 6 hours to get rid off unique odor (bad smell) produced in it and then freez. Cook well, eat less.

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