Pakistan urges implementation of UN resolutions for peace


Pakistan has underscored the need for the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions on international disputes without discrimination to promote rule of law that would usher in peace and stability in the world.
“Selectivity in the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions creates an environment, which is neither conducive for resolving conflicts nor for strengthening rule of law,” Ambassador Masood Khan to the General Assembly’s Sixth (Legal) Committee.
“Such an approach also erodes confidence in the system and undermines credibility of the organisation,” the Pakistani ambassador said in a debate on establishing rule of law.
“The resolutions and decisions of the Security Council must be implemented uniformly and without discrimination, irrespective of their adoption under Chapter VI or Chapter VII (specific powers granted by the Charter to the Council to establish peace),” Masood Khan added.
“The UN and its organs should promote the rule of law through leading by example,” he said.
The Pakistani ambassador said that the Security Council should utilise the full potential of the International Court of Justice in the settlement of disputes, seeking advisory opinions whenever faced with issues of legal intricacy and referring disputing parties to the court more frequently.
Such solutions would do more to uphold rule of law than rhetoric and posturing. Further, the council should set an example in the matter. The use of force should be consistent with the charter’s principles relating to collective security. Chapter VII should be used as a last resort.
In addition, he said work was needed to end impunity for financial crimes; mechanisms must be established to repatriate resources that had been unlawfully acquired.
He also supported reform in the sanctions regime, and said that international humanitarian law was the guiding law in armed conflict. The Security Council must demand adherence.