India given proof of ‘meddling’ in Balochistan, says Jilani


Pakistan has shared with India evidence of foreign interference in Balochistan and has raised the issue at every relevant forum, Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani said Saturday.
Speaking to reporters after a briefing of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Jilani on Saturday said that there was evidence of Indian interference in Balochistan, and that it was being raised at all forums. He said that the issue was also raised by the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh during their meeting in New York.
The foreign secretary pointed out that there were reservations with India over the issue of terrorism. He said terrorism was a concern not only for Pakistan but for India as well, but stressed that pointing fingers and hurling accusations was not a solution.
Pakistan wants to resolve all outstanding issues with Indian, including Kashmir, through the process of dialogue, he said.
Kashmir, claimed in full by both India and Pakistan and divided by the heavily-militarised Line of Control (LoC), has remained a central point of tension between the two neighbouring countries. The two sides also often trade allegations of ceasefire violations from both sides of the disputed border.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh in New York on Sunday for the first time since Sharif swept to power in May promising an improvement in relations with regional neighbours.
Sharif has insisted on dialogue with India as the mainstay of his foreign policy and “the only way forward” in normalising the situation with India.
India accuses Pakistan of allowing militants to use its soil to mount attacks against India. Pakistan blames the other for aiding separatist militant groups based in Balochistan.
During their meeting on the sidelines of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, the two leaders agreed to reduce tensions and restore ceasefire at the disputed Kashmir border as a first step in defusing tensions and restoring lasting peace in the region. Singh will step down as prime minister of India next year.


    • To start with you are not using you real Hind name and you are holder of truth. Do I need to say more.

    • This idiot is lying. Every sentence that came out of his mouth is double-meaning. Why he can not say that " the evidence, which includes this ,,this this has been handed over to Mr so and so on this date " ….the truth is this that there is no evidence…Indian snubbed them, and rightly so, Indian PM minced no words, Pakis can't take it…so they came out with these fabricated claims which are nothing but laughable…

      • Go and ask your government if he is not telling the truth. How come your government has not issued any statement that it has not received any evidence? But, on the other hand, you are only doing your job that you and the other trolls like you on this site and other sites are being paid for 🙂

  1. If one reads carefully the claims are hollow and the statements are misleading and ambiguous. The statement says "Credible evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism in Balochistan is available with us. We have provided this evidence to those who it was to be provided" What is the evidence ? Indian made shirts or cigarettes or medicines which can be brought-off the street in Afghanistan or any thirds country, you call them evidence ?
    Even more interestingly, the Foreign Secretary says "it should be a step ahead for dialogue rather than resulting in a blame game and a hue and cry" Why are you so forgiving and generous, Mr Jillani ? You claim to have evidence, than, why not to confront the Indians resolutely ? and why you are using the word 'blame game" ? Is it a game for you ?

    Isn't it clear that you are just frustrated at not being able to mislead India to suit your agenda of conditional peace, and, you just throwing mud for the sake of it, and therefore, it is a blame game ? For sure it is game for you, but not for us.
    The fact is this that India need not to spend its resources on Pakistan, your own policies have created secessionists in Baluchistan. Your claims, wrapped in misleading and ambiguous statements, are baseless

    • It's obvious that the Indian RAW trolls are busy and doing their fulltime job on this site. So, if there was no evidence provided to the Indian authorities then how come there has been no confirmation from the Indian government that no such evidence has been presented? I am sure that just like the Indian government and its zealot media had clamoured on the blast in the Samjhota Express some years ago and tried to implicate the Pakistani government, they will do their best to try and play innocent in their roll in Balochistan and Afghanistan.

      • Nothing has been handed over to Indian Govt, Read your joker's statement. So where is the question of Indian Govt's reaction ???

      • Why would Indian Govt react ??? Who takes your statements seriously, in any case ? It is only for your nuisance value..means terrorism…that people at times want to engage you..otherwise …Pakistan is a cancer..

  2. .
    Balouchistan belongs to Balochis' …
    World community must rise to support their struggle for freedom …

    • Why are you hanging around Pakistani sites and why don't you go to Baluchistan and fight for them?

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