Traffic chaos


The traffic in a city determines how the traffic police and the city administration are functioning. Visit Lahore to realise how it has been left at the mercy of the lazy traffic wardens and unruly motorcyclists. The ordinary taxpaying motorists are totally confused, especially those in the higher age bracket. Although the motorcyclists violate all laws of traffic but getting ahead of cars parked at the traffic lights is the worst. They squeeze through the waiting cars, scratching and damaging the side mirrors or rear lights. Traffic sergeants can easily seize the errant motorcyclists at this point but they just stand talking on their cell phones.

With increase in the number of cars and motorcycles, it is all the more important to control traffic in a scientific manner rather than leaving it as a bad job. The haphazard state of traffic only shows government apathy towards the road users. I recommend to the authorities to initiate awareness drive on the TV and in the newspapers and warn road users against traffic violations. The traffic police should impose heavy fines on those who endanger lives of the law-abiding road users. The traffic issue needs urgent attention of the government.

