The State Bank of Pakistan has started sending the details of financial matters of the country to the International Monitory Fund (IMF) on regular basis.
As per sources of the ministry of finance, the State Bank will dispatch the balance sheet to the IMF on daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
Under the terms of agreement with the IMF, Pakistan is legally bound to send details of monetary matters.
Reports sending on daily basis include foreign exchange market and Inter bank market. While on monthly basis, statistical details of tax collection and subsidy of power sector will be sent.
Details regarding statistics of privatization, tax dues and circular debt will be sent to the IMF on quarterly basis while number of taxpayers, collection record of big units including details of production and demand of electricity will be also sent to the IMF.
Where is Ishaque DAr?
Ankhon mein Ankhein dal key … hor choopo!
A dictator Musharraf was atleast good enough to get rid of IMF loans, incompetents only see loans as easy way out to mortgage future generations!
i agree with you
Most Obedient Servants of money lenders and enemies of our own economy through different methods to keep us ill-informed of what is going on.both internally and externally.
democracy is the best revenge…state bank under control of IMF..
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