Pakistan Today

PILDAT report does not match ground realities, says Basharat Raja

Pakistan Muslim League (PML) Punjab Senior Vice-President Basharat Raja has said the PILDAT report about 100 days performance of the federal government does not match the ground realities. The 62 per cent Pakistanis are greatly annoyed and in anger rather than being happy, he added.

Talking to party office-bearers and workers in the Muslim League House on Monday, Basharat Raja said organisations like PILDAT should dilate on genuine ground realities keeping in view its prestige instead of issuing pampering reports. He questioned how it was possible that majority of the people were satisfied with the performance of government which failed 100 per cent in 100 days to solve the basic problems of the people like reducing electricity and gas load shedding, price hike of essential and other articles and in the elimination of nepotism and corruption. How on earth can 62 per cent people approve of the government which did not get 62 per cent votes? He said the report was a futile exercise to benefit a particular party.

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