India gives Pakistan list 386 Pakistanis detained in Indian jails


According to Pakistan HC records, 485 Pakistanis detained in Indian jails 

The Indian authorities have given a list of the names of 386 Pakistanis detained in Indian jails to the Pakistan High Commission (HC) in New Delhi.

However, a Foreign Ministry official has informed the Senates’s standing committee on narcotics control and interior that 485 Pakistanis are detained in Indian jails according to the records of the Pakistan HC, Foreign Ministry, non-government organisations (NGOs) and relatives of the prisoners.

He said the Pakistan HC in New Delhi had taken up the matter with the Indian authorities to clarify the discrepancy.

He said 30 Pakistani prisoners had completed their sentences but the Indian authorities had not released them yet.

“The Pakistani HC is consistently taking up the issue with the relevant India authorities to secure the release of those 30 Pakistani prisoners,” he said.

The official said presently there were 79,012 Pakistani prisoners in various jails of different countries all over the world and the Foreign Ministry was providing them legal assistance for their release.