Ignore India


Let’s get on with developing our country, as China did

This newspaper’s Monday headline said it all: “India out of Control”. It conveyed our bemusement over India transgressing the LoC for no rhyme or reason when our prime minister had been sending out friendly feelers to restart peace talks even before taking office.

John Kerry lectures us on improving relations with India. He should understand that it is India that needs lecturing. America is childish, not ‘innocent’. What America means by ‘normalization’ is, “Accept Indian regional hegemony and its role as America’s policeman in South Asia” – the usual American pipedream. It was tried with the Shah of Iran and it trashed him. Ask America’s old satraps in the Arab world and they will tell you with tears in their eyes, “This is what America gives us for being so faithful to it.” They forget that if they are faithful to their own people no one can touch them.

In offering mediation Ban Ki-moon is both childish and innocent. If India had any respect for the United Nations it would have implemented the Security Council resolutions asking for a plebiscite to which it is signatory. India will reject Ban’s offer with contempt for mediation implies dispute when India says none exists as Kashmir-in-revolt is its integral part if you please. Yet an out of control country wants a seat in the Security Council with the Hegemon and its toadies wagging their tails. Thank God for China.

India’s madness happens periodically, triggered off by different circumstances every time. Just as the moon has to be full to make a werewolf, thus too it has to be monsoons for India to go loopy. However, while India is out of control once again, it is not beyond control even if it goes beyond the Line of Control. What will bring India back in control are its domestic problems and internal conflicts and contradictions, pretending to be what it is not. Every country suffers from such problems but when the reaction descends into a fit it is time for analysis towards understanding.

Underlying India’s conflicts with Pakistan and China is water. The rivers that matter to Pakistan and India are born in Tibet and go through Indian-occupied Kashmir before reaching Pakistan, thus the India-China kerfuffle over Tibet and the India-Pakistan contretemps over Kashmir. It is serious because most wars this century will be fought over water. It’s a big issue for Israel too: it’s not so much about oil but the water of the Euphrates that passes through Turkey and Iraq. Water from the Euphrates is already being siphoned off from Turkey to Israel under an agreement, threatening Iraq the lower riparian with drought.

India does not want peace with Pakistan because it already has control over that part of Kashmir that matters. Why would they wish to change the equation? Anyway, with nuclear parity war is no longer an option. It will be MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. Having started nuclear terror in the subcontinent, India couldn’t be that loopy.

But why did India go loopy this time? There are as many as 10 reasons for it.

1) The rebellion in Kashmir has heated up again. If India is delusional enough to think that grabbing Azad Kashmir will end the Kashmiri freedom struggle, it has another thought coming. It will multiply manifold.

2) India wants to be accepted as the regional hegemon. Why else would they waste so much money building their first aircraft carrier when millions of their people are living in abject poverty and some 40 per cent of the country is in insurgency? What will they do with it? Patrol the Indian Ocean? For what? Who do they think they will conquer? Aden, the Gulf, China, Karachi, Gwadar? Give me a break. An Indian submarine caught fire and burned down a day before the country’s Independence Day. Mercifully, Pakistan wasn’t blamed this time because it would make Pakistan look very powerful and decrease domestic morale. But when they can’t even look after what they have, what will they do with their aircraft carrier? Make it fly like a pig?

3) The Indian economy is going through a serious downturn and they wish to divert domestic attention from it.

4) Fear unifies a diverse country in the face of failure to improve the human condition. It has to keep itself together by stoking up the fear factor – threats from marauding Muslim hordes from the northwest as in the days of yore.

5) With difficult elections nigh war hysteria helps the ruling Congress party – or so it imagines. Actually, it would help the Hindu fundamentalist BJP because when people are afraid they usually turn right. Raising temperature is easier when your army chief is a warmonger spoiling for a fight. His bombast waits to be hoist on its own petard.

6) India has just caused floods in Pakistan by releasing excess water from the River Sutlej and wishes to divert attention here too.

7) India violates the Indus Basin Water Treaty by building dams and again wants to divert attention.

8) India wishes to push Pakistan to the brink by forcing it to deploy troops from its western border to its eastern borders.

9) The insurgency within Pakistan fuelled by Indian and American support of the ‘Balochistan Liberation Army’ is over control of Balochistan’s coastline – if Pakistan didn’t control it, it and China couldn’t reap the benefits. The 2000 km China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from Gwadar to Xinjiang will change the economic complexion of the region covering Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia. India fears this would diminish its importance. India could get into the equation and benefit too, but a state under superpower delusions couldn’t countenance being co-opted by Pakistan and China.

10 ) Gwadar being the world’s largest deep-sea port, India and America worry about it becoming a Chinese naval base also housing nuclear submarines close to oil’s main supply route, the Straits of Hormuz. China’s influence and ingress in the Arabian Gulf would increase. If China builds a railway from Afghanistan to Gwadar it would change Afghanistan’s economic equation dramatically and increase Pakistan’s importance for it.

How times change. Pakistani politics have moved on from a 1,000-year war with India and eating grass to India not even being on the radar screen during the recent elections. Sadly, India has not. India’s media have been embarrassingly jingoistic and raised the temperature while Pakistani media have been most mature and measured.

There’s India’s usual pettiness too – large country with a small country mentality born of over a thousand-year rule by the Muslims and the British. Get over it. Pettiness has swung from an inferiority complex to a superiority complex. Time to get real.

It’s time for the world to get real too. It is. The realization is dawning about India’s human rights atrocities in Kashmir and many other parts of the country. India’s immaturity and hysteria, its baseless accusations against Pakistan and China and its gross human rights abuses are coming into the limelight, as is its nefarious role in Afghanistan and its numerous ‘consulates’ along the Pakistan border begetting insurgencies and abetting terrorism in our country.

The truth always outs. For the last many years Pakistan has been relentlessly maligned for encouraging terrorism in India and destabilizing it when all the while it was India that was the culprit. Pakistan was accused of being behind the attacks on India’s parliament building and in Mumbai. It now transpires that it was the work of India’s state institutions themselves. Soon the world will realize that all terrorism in India is begotten by its own state terrorism on its people. We know that it was a serving Indian army colonel that burned down the misnamed ‘Samjhota Express’ killing over 50 Pakistanis, but not a peep out of a world in thrall of India’s ‘culture’ that is mostly Muslim. We are accused of having an India-centric foreign policy. What do you think? If India’s recent behaviour is not Pakistan-centric you have to be stupid.

It’s time for Pakistan to come real too. When India doesn’t want peace why go on asking for it? India raises facetious arguments to stall talks – give us Dawood Ibrahim and Hafiz Saeed first but without cogent proof. We don’t say, “Give us the Bugti boy first” even when we have cogent proof. They say, “We don’t know who to talk to since real power is with the Pakistan army.” We don’t say, “We don’t know who to talk to since real power lies with Sonya Gandhi and Manmohan Singh is only a proxy prime minister.” Grow up.

We should forget about talks until India rises to at least our maturity level. Let’s ignore India as far as possible and get on with developing our country, like China did and look where it has got in three decades. Leave India to its own devices. It matters not beyond its nuisance value. Let it wallow in its own delusions. America and China have finally understood that they are in a symbiotic relationship where one cannot do without the other and if one goes down so does the other. India doesn’t fit into that scheme of things and America or China will not go down trying to humour its pretensions.

Frankly, I would be loath to write about India if only they would stop their shenanigans and tamashas. They simply are pathetic attempts to camouflage its own failures and put Pakistan in the dock. The world is beginning to see through them. So are many Indians.

The writer is a political analyst. He can be contacted at [email protected]


  1. I can only y that this guy is suffering from dementia and living in an imaginary world of his own.Please open your eyes and look at the the level of maturity that exits throughout the Pakistani landscape. I am glad that India is neither as mature as Pakistan nor it wishes to be. May God have mercy on Pakistan so that its people can live in peace.

    • Dr Sharam foregoing the dementia and maturity issue there are some good points the author has made which are worth pondering without taking sides.

      India’s madness happens periodically, triggered off by different circumstances every time. He also mentions the linking of Kashmir issue to terrorism.

      Furthermore he also states; They simply are pathetic attempts to camouflage its own failures and put Pakistan in the dock. The world is beginning to see through them. So are many Indians.

      So may be whilst Pakistan has to show maturity India too have responsibilities rather than creating tamashah to play for internal political gain or evertime the Kashmirs demand their right of self determination.

    • This author seem like haven't had his breakfast or might be a victim of drone attacks… Dear Author, please come out of this well of your thinking and realize the potential of Indian power & maturity. I am so much believer of non violence and strongly praise bilateral talks between two countries. This article is like your sneezing with the effect of hatred in you and your frustration with facts that you're miles behind India.
      Pakistan haven't being considered mature ever and won't be. Look yourself in world views, you have only chance to grow only with peace with India. Best of luck!

  2. Quote from the article

    India also tried to link terrorism and the Kashmir issue and as the writer puts it eloquently:

    "They simply are pathetic attempts to camouflage its own failures and put Pakistan in the dock. The world is beginning to see through them. So are many Indians."

    The moral of the story is that we should first put our house in order by developing and improving our own country. Only then will we be able to confront the enemy.

  3. Gauhar saab,
    Kya Hua Aapko. Are you alright?
    I completely agree with you. Pakistan should ignore India if it wants to prosper. After All that’s what India has been doing since 1947. After 66 years India is a part of rising emerging markets like China. India has world class IT, Auto, Manufacturing, Space industry. It even has a vibrant Bollywood. India even has few billionaires in the top 10 list globally. You can attempt to achieve even half of that if you ignore India.

    1. India has no intention of grabbing Azad Kashmir. It continues to ignore it just like it ignores Pakistan.
    2. It’s a necessity to build many things for future like an aircraft carrier or land on moon or launch satellites or even attempt landing on MARS. It’s called vision. I am sure there is no such thing in Pakistan.
    3. Indian economy is going through a serious downturn. It’s part of an economic cycle. Even USA had serious economic downturns including a downgrade. Pakistan won’t understand it as it is yet to have an economy.

    • I have following issues with Indian economy impressed people.
      1) Pakistan economy was better than India for 40 years. Did India challenge its existence?
      2) I have visited 5 times India. I am sorry to say the kind of abject poverty I have seen is only comparable to what Bangladesh have in this region.
      3) Even with this poverty level, India is more interested to invest in Afghanistan infrastructure to build roads and dams.
      4) According to UN, IMF , World Bank India per capita (on average one citizen earns in one year) is 1500 USD and Pakistan is 1200 USD. In comparing countries economy this is important figure as countries have more absolute figures because of their size, but when you average income of individual you can assess their daily life standard.
      5) India can see them isolated between China and Pakistan when NATO will leave Afghanistan. They will stage more dramas against Pakistan in future.

  4. 4. In India people fear corruption and lack of basic amenities and not Pakistan. Fear unifies anyone. Every country uses it and fears something or the other. In Pakistan no one fears corruption and lack of basic amenities.
    5. No comment on elections. Every politician is a crook in some way or other. They won’t be called politicians otherwise. Masses cannot select a better politician. Instead they choose the lesser evil. Even Pakistanis do the same.
    6. India causing floods in Pakistan? How old are you? Come on grow up now.
    7. India could be pushing Pakistan to deploy troops from its western border to its eastern borders. Remember Pakistan’s strategy of bleeding by India by making 1000 cuts in it. I know it didn’t work. But Pakistan has made 1000 cuts in itself. India may be ensuring that Pakistan bleeds from it. If you can do it so can others.
    8. Problems in Balochistan, NWFP, Afghanistan are self created. What you saw is what you reap. How does it feel being on the other side?

  5. HG makes a lot of sense. Pakistan has tried hard for the last twenty years or so to put the past behind and build relations with India, so the region can become economically prosperous. India has so much to gain from peace with Pakistan, especially access to land routes to China, Afghanistan and Central Asia, but perpetual and petty hostility on their part is getting tiring.

    To his credit, Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif has made positive overtures to India from day one, but these have not been responded positively. US and India are playing dirty in Afghanistan and we need to ensure, they fail in these efforts.

    So, I agree with HG, ignore India and move on with building the country economically. The trade corridor to China will bring a great economic benefits. Despite all of the problems, Pakistan has the potential for rapid economic growth, provided terrorists are put out of business and there is political stability. The latter has been accomplished, the former needs to be dealt with immediately.

  6. This is a pure form of intellectual terrorism which breaths conspiracies and showing young ones a totally wrong direction. Shame on such people who feed such foolish article to get a miserable mileage. Let live pakistan for better informed and prosper in right trajectory.This dolt requires a serious help. Hoping for a better pakistan. Don't succumb to such cheap gloat-full and ill informed stuff my friends. HG get well soon mate.

  7. So U states that Pakistani people are out of poverty and they are well settled .. So Pakistan developing army.. And Pakistan army getting fund from America and blaming them.. Pakistan is trying to become Chinas police”????… Pakistan army whether it going to conquer Delhi Dhaka columbo or anything .. Shut ur ass .. Y Ur Karachi continously burning for 4 days in 1971.. Is that u R so powerfull

  8. India is progressing for the last 66 years without any inputs or supplies from Pakistan and can well do so.the attempt to cultivate China is fine but at the end of the day it is all about markets and how much can Pakistan give as compared to India.china may rattle a few drums but is realistic and will look for its growth and prosperity.With security concerns about the safety of its investments China will not blindly pump money in projects.China itself facing an economic downturn as it ultimately depends on EU and USA for its markets.It has serious security concerns about its citizens who have been attacked and these are issues that has to be addressed.the economic downturn is part of international trend and will not be so for ever and India is not an economic basket case unlike many others in this part of the world.

  9. I wish you could influence foreign policy of Pakistan with this article, Sir. I am afraid until we get a real patriot at the top of our affairs, articles such as these will go amiss.

    5 stars, great piece, Sir.

    So thank you…Indians had declared it decades back about you…and you know it..you only regurgitated their ideas with Pakistani pretense.. I only hope India does not give you an honorable death by buying your problems..you are dying by inches..and what a good news is for mankind

  11. Frustration….Indians no longer buy lies of double mouthed snakes…so let us ignore them…ahahhahahah
    even a poorly educated housewife can give tenable arguments then this bawarchi..
    you are not going to get Kashmir ..even if we have to kill all muslims there…
    you pakis have no existence of your own…you are rootless ppl…your deen come from hopeless middle east./…your heroes…are Afgani marauders…misslies are north korean and names afgani,…your islamic bomb is from China and your waters come from India…..you call yourself Arabs…hahhahah Arabs hate you more than they hate..rats..

    wat is your existence…? someone converted your ancestors ..but it is good riddance for us.. India ko third class nasal kee zaroorat nehi hai….dafa ho jao..

    • Thanks for your remarks. You are true face of India.
      Your remarks should be taught in all Pakistani elementary and middle class schools.
      This will show the real face of India

    • @An Indian
      Tsk tsk. We can understand your frustration. First your govt. gives you lollipops and makes you believe that India is GREAT and Its shining, showing you the sexed up figures on growth in economy and military. But what they dont show is that 800 million Indians have to no place to crap and openly defecate. That 80% of your countrymen live under than 2 Dollars a day, which is worse than Africa. Your military, police and paramilitary can not protect your largest city from 10 men who play havoc for three days and kill hundreds. The MIGHTY and SHINING India can not even protect your own girls who are gang raped regularly.
      So how many girls did you rape today, INDIAN?

      • we have ignored each other now for over 60 years.What is the hurry now to recognise one another.Let us carry on as we were.

    • its that conversion that made rule minority Muslims over sub-continent over majority Hindus. I didnt want to get into religion debate, but u wrote ur comments in such an immature way that I found myself forced to write it.

  12. Mr. Gauhar's mistakes India's verbal diaherrea for 'loopiness'? That is good, can you imagine what he would have thought if there was a limited military retaliation?
    He would have probably threatened nuclear war. Therein, my firends, shines the mentality of the ostrich and the dingo.

  13. An old Pakistani song says it all about our Indian friends(?) responding to this article, "aina unko dikhaya to bura mangaey", they got upset when the mirror was shown to them.

  14. Let us face some facts about India.(1) It is the largest democracy in the world. It may be messy but it has stood the test of times.(2) It has the second largest army in the world. (3) It has the third largest airforce in the world. (4) It has the fourth largest navy in the world. Unlike Pakistan it does not need strategic depth or strategic assets.. As the author indicated it can and does indeed go for our jugular regularly (water).What cards have we to play? China. The latter happens to be Indias second biggest trading partner. At best India finds pakistan a irritant rather than a threat. President Obama paid a visit to India but conveniently ignored pakistan—a country which has shed blood and flesh in fighting a war for USA,s . Let us be pakistan centric and not India centric. In this context i agree with the honourable author.

  15. dont waste your time by thinking about our aircraft carrier. If you are a qualified and responsible political writer then you never write these kind of nonsence. But i am sure your people enjoyed a lot coze the matter is about india. If you want to entertain your people better to write a comic film/drama script, let them enjoy while taking rest in between tough training in any terrorist camp. If a country having own aircraft carrier, the consequences/security issues to the neighbouring countries are highy. If you people cant undestand these then it means china providing you equipments without owner’s mannuel or it may be in chinese. Moren…

  16. The biggest joke of the day is : Indians don't care about Pakistan…..Analyze the comments….also look at the respondents. More Indians have replied and liked the comments of their fellow Indians then have Pakistanis written in support of HG. Leave the pretensions dear Indians…..

  17. India has one fear glaring at it….Pakistan can progress at anytime despite terrorism plaguing it at the moment and when this happens its politicians will have no reason left for face saving…currently they compare themselves with Pakistan. Look how India has progressed as against Pakistan despite both starting the journey of independence on the same year. Sarcastically, India started its independence a day later than Pakistan but is still well ahead of it. They are ignoring Pakistan ? Look at the comments on this article…

  18. Pakistan is not poor economically…it has a good economic prowess but it is her acting ability that is impoverished. If Pakistan is not progressing currently that does not mean it cannot. The potential is there, realization is what is required. Pakistan can become the regional economic hub in the wink of an eye which would take years for other countries as the advantage of strategic economic and political position on the globe is not a gift that comes in the share of countries like India. This is what hurts the Indian ego..Pakistan can take advantage of its position to catch-up with the progress India has had after years of hard work…

  19. die hard pak@ then do it man,we are nt against your growth. Somebody is mentioned here that they are going to adopt in educational system that wht’s india doing against pak. These kind of educational systen never tolerate in india.we dont learn anything against pak in our curriculam. And both of us completed 66yrs,why dont u try to boost the economy yet?? The amt we spend in boarder with u was enough to double our economy.but you people are not a good neighbour. When you try to down india, you people also falling down to more deep.

  20. very nice article. its an open challenge to india. coz india already needs a lot to counter its own insurgencies withing its borders. almost 2/3rd districts of india have separatist movements and this is coz as u sow so shall u reap. india has always tried to poke her nose in all its neighbors affiars. in return it is facing defeat from all such rebels who want freedom from these crazy hindu people who cant live with any non hindu. they have small minds n hearts. they cant bear anyone else, even within them they cant bear thr low castes. just imagine a so called religion which doesnt allow its own low castes to b with them, how come will they ever let any non hindu to b with them. they need a humanity course. but what they are asking is war. n once war cums they will find it thr last n wht ever gud they did till now will b benefitted by Pakistan coz Pakistan is here for gud!!

  21. Great article. As expected endians could not swallow the truth. Only truth they except is from RSS news rooms.

    • Easy man.. comman ppls in india are no more blind follower either of RSS or BJP. Just unlike to pakistanis who always gets excite when some "laal topi wala" rubbishes against India. Grow up man. For indians pakis are no more things to think but the corruption and economic things are.

  22. AZB@i agree with ur comment if u give me proper reply for my doubt. Why there is bomb blast in iraq mostly qurd majority area?why sunny and shiya muslims fighting each other.why they dont follow quran even it mentioned only one god is exist?? Is there any hindu struggling u in pakistan/afgan/iraq/syria/libiya/ egypt?? Why dont u people r nt living as brothers?? Any hindu troubling u there?? So think more widely

  23. Whole world knows Wats happening in India and pak? What happened to this guy?
    I think he is living in his own world.
    Where is Dawood? Where bin laden caught?
    What happened to Benazir family?

  24. Dear Humayun Gauhar,

    your all thoughts are baseless please stop publishing your ideas on social media,
    Please ananlyse all the facts about india nad pakistan than make any comments.

  25. Indian response has been typical of an average Banya. Always full of deceit, duplicity and hypocrisy,Dictionary explanation describes the nature of average Indian ;

    "the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating."

    Once exposed , no one ever trusted them again."

    Need I say more.

  26. I think many of us are being unkind to the author. This was just his attempt at humour !!

  27. Pathetic…. No wonder your country is bleeding… If people like you are termed as "intellectuals", it is precisely the precipice of disaster, allowing fanatics to occupy your space.

  28. Despite the vitriol this is an interesting article. The author's conclusion "Frankly, I would be loath to write about India…" was somewhat hard to believe since he has written about nothing else but India, and would have loved to write more on it. This kind of writing must be cathartic and must help to clean the sinuses and open various pores on the skin. Enjoyed it very much even though I am an Indian.

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