Hajj training programme to commence next week


An extensive Hajj training programme for intending pilgrims will commence next week in various areas of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
“The programme is aimed at making the intending pilgrims familiar with the rituals to be performed during the upcoming Hajj,” Azhar, a volunteer of the programme said.
He said the programme would focus on those performing the religious obligation for the first time.
The Religious Affairs Ministry and the Interfaith Harmony has been providing informative booklets and Hajj literature to the
Intending Hujjaj free of charge, while video cassettes will also be provided to facilitate them, Azhar added.
Models, charts, maps, sketches, lectures and television will be used to aid the users and it also covers questions regarding wearing the Ahram, observing sanctity of the holy places, performing rituals at Madina and manners of offering prayers at Masjid-e-Nabvi and the Salam at the Roza-e-Rasool (Peace Be Upon Him),” he added.