CPEC will usher in new era of economy: Pak envoy


Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Masood Khalid on Tuesday said China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was network of road and rail links starting from China’s Xinjiang to Pakistan`s Gwadar port which would promote trade and economic activities in the region.

Addressing a symposium organised by the Pakistan China Institute in collaboration with the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) in Beijing, the ambassador said the China-Pakistan economic corridor would transform Pakistan into a hub of trade and commerce as this project envisages establishing several economic zones and physical links connecting Pakistan and China as well as the region.

He said that a task force and secretariat had been established while team of Pakistan would visit China soon for further discussion on this project. The ambassador said the CPEC was both a long-term and short-strategic plan of China Pakistan envisaged by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

The China-Pakistan economic corridor was a mega project with a cluster of industrial parks and economic zones, he noted. He said that the visit of Chinese premier to Pakistan and reciprocating visit by the Pakistani prime minister in July 2013 showed the interest and strong political will of the two governments to implement this strategic project.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman Pakistan China Institute, who led Pakistani delegation, highlighted the geo-strategic situation and emphasised that China was a driving force of the Asian century, adding that China-Pakistan economic corridor would initiate a new of era of strategic cooperative partnership between Pakistan and China.

He said the road and rail links would further strengthen the existing bond of brotherhood.

Speaking on this occasion, Dong Manyuan, Vice President CIIS, said China Pakistan Economic Corridor from Kashgar to Gwadar would integrate the economies of the two friendly countries.

Lin Dajian from the NDRC highlighted the security issues and challenges that could impede the speed of project.

She also added that the project would help bring investment and boost trade and commerce not only in China and Pakistan but also in the region.

Ahmed Bilal, President PILDAT, and Muhammad Arif, Editor Nihao-Salam, were also part of the Pakistani delegation while the Chinese delegation consisted Dong Manyuan, Vice President China Institute of International Studies, Lin Dajian, Vice Director General, Department of International Cooperation, National Development and Reform Commission, Zhou Gang, former Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, Liu Pengfei, Department for Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC and Lan Jianxue, Li Qingyan, Wang Youming, Xu Hangtian, Zheng Ruixing, Research Fellows at CIIS.

Other scholars also highlighted various aspects of China Pakistan corridor from the vision to political will, from feasibility to implementation and from opportunities to challenges.

The participants were of the view that China Pakistan economic corridor could benefit new emerging regional cooperation in greater South Asia driven primarily by economy and energy, and building of pipelines and ports with roads rail infrastructure, all which can transform the lives and future of the region.



  1. Well your either pakistani with a NIC card or an Indian with a hindu passport make up your mind??

  2. "Well your either pakistani with a NIC card or an Indian with a hindu passport make up your mind??"

    The errors in English in the above statement notwithstanding, being an "Indian with a hindu passport" is also a silly, an incorrect and a moronic term. A passport is defined by the country of issue and NOT by religion. Besides, India is a SECULAR country (and has the second largest* Muslim population in the world depending) unlike Pakistan which has a state religion.

    Having a state religion has led Pakistan to what it is today – a cesspool of violence and all that can be wrong in a country!! India has left Pakistan far, FAR behind!!


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