In his next, Rabba Main Kya Karoon, Arshad Warsi will be seen encouraging his younger cousin to cheat on his wife. The film, which marks the debut of Akash Chopra and Tahira Kochhar, also stars Paresh Rawal, Raj Babbar, Shakti Kapoor, Tinnu Anand and Riya Sen. Says Arshad about the film, “I’d call it a ‘Big Fat Greek Wedding’ set against the upmarket Delhi culture. Most married men will relate to the plot of cheating. They will be like, ‘Yes, that happened to me’ and ‘Hmmm… even I got caught like this’.
Produced by Moti Sagar Associates, the film has been directed by Amrit Sagar Chopra. So, will he share some tips on how to have an extra-marital relationship without getting caught? Pat comes the reply, “Don’t get your girlfriend home even if your wife is on a vacation. It’s big trouble. Also, one must master the art of lying. Even a slight hesitation in answering can lead to suspicion. You must lie blatantly and with a straight face.”
Compared to his earlier comic roles, Arshad says that the humour here is situational and not slapstick. “It’s a clean and mature comedy. The makers have put across the madness of a Punjabi wedding accurately. It made me experience how Punjabis want everything to be larger than life, even the baraat ke laddoos. We shot in lovely cold weather and were well-attired. The marriage mood has stayed with me.”
When asked if he’d be open to doing a sex comedy, the actor says, “There’s a thin line between sexuality and vulgarity and our writers tilt towards the latter. I am averse to vulgar comedies. Also, the comedy in films like Golmaal and Dhamaal, to name a few, tires me. It’s so over-the-top and all that yelling and fighting is physically exerting.”