US says Malala’s bravery against militancy inspirational


Calling Malala Yousufzai’s bravery in the struggle against militancy as inspirational, the United States has praised her speech at the United Nations, where the teenaged Pakistani activist highlighted the importance of education for all children.
A State Department spokesperson underscored that education is key to both political and economic progress.
“I did hear that she gave a wonderful set of remarks – and certainly her bravery in the face of such violence is inspirational,” Spokesperson Jen Psaki said while responding to a question after Malala delivered a speech at the UN on the day named after her in recognition of her courageous fight for girls’ right to education.
The spokesperson observed that education for girls is critical.
“It’s an issue we care deeply about, and it’s key to both political and economic progress,” she added.
Meanwhile, Malala’s appearance at the UN, coinciding with her 16th birthday, got a prominent coverage in the US media, with The Washington Post publishing a picture across four columns on the top of its front page. The Post and other newspapers also ran stories on her struggle on web editions.
The New York Times praised her speech, saying, “She spoke in a calm, self-assured voice as she delivered her first major speech since she was shot on the left side of her head October 9 on her way home from school in Pakistan’s Swat Valley.”
The Times also carried a dispatch from London, saying, “Taliban militants have pressed their violent campaign against girls,” education in northwestern Pakistan, attacking more than 800 schools in the region since 2009.
“From that time, Ms. Yousufzai was an outspoken critic of the Taliban campaign,” it said.
Alexandra Petri wrote in The Washington Post, “The power of Malala’s voice should certainly frighten them (the terrorists).
“The United Nations declared it Malala Day – if anyone’s earned it, she has. But she insists that it’s a day about giving a voice to the countless others whose voices haven’t been heard,” Petri wrote.
“She’s a tremendous testament to the cause of education and speech she champions. Hearing her words, you can see why the Taliban was so fearful of a teenage girl. Hers is a powerful voice.
“She’s not just impressive for a 16-year-old, she’s impressive for a human being of any age.”
The Christian Science Monitor commented, “The confidence radiating from the young activist, who wore a vivid pink shawl once owned by assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, belies the staggering challenges that still face education activists around the world.”
The Wall Street Journal noted, “Yousafzai, a vocal supporter of education rights for girls when the Taliban made her a target, advocated access to free schooling for all children in her speech.”


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