No SPCA here! How China treats its animals


I am the type of person who is really fond of animals; especially the furry kind. So when I discovered about the animal cruelty in China, I became hysterical. Over the past years, an estimate of 10 million animals in China are killed each year for various reasons. Some animals are used for their fur and often sold and shipped to other countries for use in clothing. And some animals are consumed by the citizens of China. Undercover investigators discovered that the animals are slowly tortured, beaten to death, or boiled alive. But even though the facts clearly show that this is pure animal cruelty, the president of China, Xi Jinping, isn’t doing anything about it. Why? Because there is no law regarding animal protection. Citizens are to do whatever they want with the animals that are caught or raised by them. Foxes, minks, rabbits, dogs and cats are brought in from different locations. They are placed in wooden cages that are located outside in the freezing cold or the blazing heat of the sun. The cages are then thrown around from place to place; workers not considering the fact that there’s an animal inside of the small cramped crate. Many times, when an animal is misbehaving, it is pulled out of the cage and is beaten to death for punishment. It’s sickening to know that there fur farms aren’t getting any penalties for the wrongdoings that they are committing. China is the biggest animal farming nation. It is also the largest in fur farming. In a recent video, showed how the animals were being slaughtered. The creatures were hung by their legs or tails while a worker wok on cutting a part of the skin so that it would be easier for them to be able to skin the animal more easily and more quickly. Some animals were hung by their throat while they’re bled to death. Many different kinds of bloody animals were found dead or squealing as they were left hanging. Why isn’t anybody doing anything about this? While the Chinese government is trying to standardize slaughtering procedures, small farms continue to use harsh methods to kill these helpless animals. What can we do to help these petrified creature? We can always minimize the use of fur clothing. We can also sign petitions online stating that animal abuse should be illegal. Some petitions are for reaching President Xi Jinping and asking him to do something about the matter. There are many ways to stop and prevent further cruelty towards animals. They are also living things like us. Animals can’t stand up for themselves, so we should do it for them.


  1. SPCA of Hong Kong has already reached China years ago, more and more mainland Chinese animal lovers have been helping a lot of poor animals. SPCA in eastern China has been advertising and educating people not to torture animals. If you type "animal shelter in China", you can find lots of shelters are actually run by local people. However, founders of those no-kill shelters can be educated old people, they do not have proper ways to help people adopting animals. I doubt if the stray animals in those shelters can be sprayed and receive proper health treatment.

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