Dancing with the wolves


The monster needs to be eradicated

Finally a government led by parties nominated by the Tehrik- e-Taliban Pakistan as ‘guarantors of peace talks’ is in power. But there is still no end to terrorist attacks. This poses serious questions about the feasibility of talks with the militants. What is more, the latest statement by Ehsanullah Ehsan does away with the possibility of any talks in the foreseeable future. Unless Nawaz Sharif proves that he controls the army, there can be no talks according to the spokesman of the militant network.

In fact the TTP was never serious about talks. The network considers its aims to be nonnegotiable. The TTP makes no secret of its ideological affinity with al Qaeda. The goal of the militant network is the dismantling of all nation states in the Muslim world, including Pakistan, and replacing them with a world Islamic Khilafah. It is ironical that the TTP defenders still argue that the network is not against the existence of Pakistan.

The world Islamic Khilafah is supposed to practice a Salafist version of Islam. It is understood that this would require eliminating all other Muslim sects which the TTP consider mushrik, or idolatrous. Not only Shias but also the majority of Muslims with leanings towards Sufi teachings would either be forcibly converted into Salfists or subjected to terrorist attacks.

This is in line with the thinking of other militant groups under al Qaeda’s influence. These include Al Qaida in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), Boko Haram in Nigeria, Ansar Dine in Mali and Al Shebab Militia in Somalia. Like the TTP, all these groups reject democracy and firmly believe that the Islamic system can only be established through the barrel of the gun.

The TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud maintains without mincing words that his group rejects democracy with all its institutions that include constitution, elections, parliament and the prevailing judicial system. Democracy according to him is a system opposed to Islam. The TTP is not willing to argue its position. Matters of faith, it believes, are not a subject for argument. Those who talk about negotiating with the TTP within the parameter of the constitution are thus befooling themselves and the public.

The TTP offers talks only for tactical reasons. The move is a part of the psychological war to create dissensions in civil society and reduce military pressure on the terrorists. The TTP pretends to be willing for talks when it is under pressure in tribal areas where people want an end to its violence as it invites military action. Sometime the TTP needs peace to regroup and refurbish itself. Once out of pressure it again follows its chosen policy of attacking innocent people, destroying schools, bombing shrines or mosques of non Salfi sects and targeting the security personnel. It has now added the judges also to its list of targets.

The offer of dialogue is a political move. Early this year the TTP used it to create dissensions between political parties. The ANP, PPP and MQM were declared secular parties fit for terror attacks while others were spared for the time being. The APC called by the ANP was rejected while the JUI-F was encouraged to call another gathering of political parties. By falling into the TTP’s snare, the parties looked the other way as the terrorists killed the leaders and candidates of the secular parties

Now the TTP wants to drive a wedge between the PML-N and the army to create an anarchic situation in the country suitable for the pursuance of the network’s aims. In his latest statement Ehsanulla Ehsan maintains that the PML-N government has to be seen to be acting independently of the army to qualify for talks: “The political government has yet to demonstrate its power and to take bold and independent decisions… How can we talk to the government if it does not exercise powers and the security establishment is still powerful and takes decision?” he asked.

Soon after Nawaz Sharif assumed the office of the PM, the TTP let loose another wave of terrorist attacks. There were two major attacks in Quetta targeting Hazaras, several in and around Peshawar aimed at the security personnel and two PTI legislators were killed while an MQM MPA was assassinated in Karachi. In its attempt to kill a judge of the SHC the TTP operators eliminated nine innocent people. The dastardly attack at the Nanga Parbat base killed ten foreign mountaineers.

In the past the attacks were ‘justified’ on the grounds that the PPP government had turned the country and its armed forces into instruments in the hands of the US. As it was difficult to paint the TTP’s chosen ‘guarantors’ with the same brush within days and weeks of their coming to power, other lame excuses had to be cooked up.

The Quetta attacks were conducted “because security forces killed our fighters and their wives in Kharotabad.” Under what law, secular or Islamic, the killing of innocent girls attending college or Hazaras going about their work can be justified as retaliation for security forces’ action? The attack on Nanga Partbat base killing 10 foreigners was meant to “avenge the killing of TTP’s second in command Waliur Rehman and to express anger at the international community for its continued support to drone strikes in the region.” And why launch attacks on army personnel? Revenge is to be taken from the army because according to the TTP it had provided ground intelligence to the US which led to the TTP leader’s killing. The SHC judge Maqbool Baqir was attaked, according to the same TTP official for “anti-Taliban and anti-mujahideen decisions.” This implies that any judge punishing a TTP criminal is liable to be eliminated. As far as the FC is concerned, “We will keep on targeting the security forces during the revenge attacks,” Ehsanullah Ehsan said

To sum up, irrespective of whether the PPP or the PML-N is in power rocket attacks, killings and bombings would continue with an aim to internally weaken the state. Meanwhile the citizens belonging to friendly countries too would be attacked to isolate Pakistan internationally. It is hoped by the TTP that the country would thus fall into the hands of the terrorists like a ripe fruit.

The unending attacks have put the TTP apologists on the defensive. There is a growing consensus in the country that the terrorist threat needs to be effectively tackled if the country is to be saved. This is the sort of consensus that had emerged after the Swat militants had called to question the legitimacy of the state and its institutions. It is easier to dislodge the terrorists from their mountain strongholds but what to do afterwards, ask the TTP apologists?

It is maintained by them that the whereabouts of the TTP leadership are not exactly known and Pakistan doesn’t have drones that killed Nek Muhammad and Baitullah Mehsud. An all out ground and air attack would be highly costly and its results unpredictable. Didn’t the big fish like Mullah Fazlullah and Hakimullah Mehsud escape during the Swat and South Waziristan operations?

The PML-N government needs to take the heads of the parliamentary parties invited to discuss the matter on July 12 into confidence. They have to be told that there is no way other than a major operation to eradicate the terrorists. While the operation is planned the government has to put its act together.

The government needs to finalize a counterterrorism strategy that ensures full coordination in security agencies, currently competing and declining to share information with one another. The legal framework to ensure this should be pressed through the parliament at fast speed. The security agencies should be provided all the equipment they need to access the terrorist electronic communication to take them on. All major cities should be provided electronic gadgets needed to protect the people from attacks. Long term measures should be put in place to eradicate extremism and radicalization. These include more investment in education, tackling poverty and addressing the issues that promote extremism and radicalization. A comprehensive strategy would ensure the making of the terrorist networks dysfunctional within a few years.

The writer is a political analyst and a former academic.


  1. Finally an author who really understands the TTP and their nefarious designs for Pakistan…they are the biggest enemy of your country and until the politicians recognize that fact the carnage will continue…I hope those in power will listen and make the moves necessary to eliminate the TTP and their supporters in Pakistan…

    • .
      I think every politicians in Pakistan (of any significance) understand TTP and it's designs fully (they are not dumb people) …
      It's just they want to use them for their own benefit (or weaken their opponent) — they don't care whether the country or you and I are bearing the cost of it (so goes their patriotism) …

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