The crucial second front


Where victory is nowhere near in sight

Sometime back I wrote that militarily defeating the Taliban/Jihadi enemy on all battlefield fronts, rather than meekly seeking a stalemate, was a prerequisite to Pakistan’s survival, state’s existential viability, country’s progress and people’s prosperity.

Unfortunately that comprehensive, crucial victory is nowhere near in sight. As recent events indicate the enemy is inflicting some heavy blows in Pakistan’s mainland, the second front of their declared war against our country. From Quetta to Gilgit-Baltistanto Peshawar to Karachi the enemy is attacking ruthlessly, almost at will, causing immense damage to life, property, morale and image of the country.

Broadly speaking, the Taliban/Jihadis in their war against the state and people of Pakistan have opened up two separate fronts as part of their strategy: the first front in the northwest tribal areas and the second in the mainland, the heart of the country, with its humungous urban and rural areas.

In the first front, our armed forces are confronting the enemy, sacrificing the lives of its soldiers, though fighting this enemy in a haphazard, piecemeal manner without a grand strategy for annihilation of this enemy and victory. Still the army has been partially successful in eliminating thousands of enemy combatants and defeating the enemy in quite a few operations.

However, in the second battlefield front, and a battlefield it is, in our cities and villages that the army has even failed to show up, to defend and fight the blood-thirsty enemy, giving it a free rein and open field to attack, bomb, kill and destroy at will.

This vast front of urban and rural areas inhabited by the majority of Pakistan’s 180 million unarmed people presents an almost illimitable number of soft targets, targets that are virtually indefensible by civilian law-enforcement agencies. How many people, how many homes, how many mosques, how many shopping centers, how many schools and hospitals, how many streets and buildings can be successfully defended with round-the-clock trained and fully armed police guards? Not many.

The enemy can literally pick and choose from this endless array or smorgasbord of vulnerable targets in our city streets and village pathways. No surprise then as to how and why the Taliban/Jihadi enemy has been so hugely successful in this civilian front, inflicting the majority of casualties here, estimated to be about 40,000 out of the total of our 48,000 people and soldiers killed.

In addition, their attacks and bloody onslaught have devastated the country’s economy, hurt business and investment, banished the game of cricket, our national pastime, and all in all created a climate of paralyzing fear and intimidation throughout the country, crushing the national spirit and shredding to pieces the writ of the state.

As is obvious from the above, it is this second country-wide front, with all its infrastructure and population base which is of far more critical importance for the viability and the very continuity of the state than the first smaller, borderline front.

It is a fundamental principle of war strategy that in order to prevail over your enemy you have to defeat the enemy in all fronts of the battlefield. To achieve victory on one front and to ignore and be devastated in another front will not vanquish your enemy. A selective approach, at best, will only prolong the war; at worst it will make the enemy stronger and more unyielding.

If engaging with the enemy in the second front is as critical as combating the enemy in the first front then appropriate strategy must be sharply tailored to effectively fight, eliminate and subdue the Taliban/Jihadi syndicate in this battlefield front of cities and villages. Full collaboration of the police, agencies and all the citizens would be essential in this endeavour.

Since the enemy has infiltrated various segments of our society and has established a vast network of agents, informants, suppliers, supporters and other enablers inside our borders, then at least a two-prong strategy should be employed all across this big front by the armed forces.

Firstly, all agents, infiltrators, supporters, suppliers etc of the enemy embedded in the police, law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, in the armed forces itself, in the bureaucracy, in the media, in the academia, in the mosques, madrassas, in business, in the various militant and religious groups etc. must be identified, purged and effectively disabled.

Secondly, all the hard core militants all across the cities and villages must be targeted and eliminated and their base structures, hideouts etc. attacked and destroyed completely.

Agree that such a massive offensive, with the possibility of spilling more blood and entailing violence on an unprecedented scale may seem to be a tall order, easier said than done. But in the face of the horrific, blood stained alternative, what other choices we have if not to defeat this enemy by any means at any price?

Taking clue from the West, it’s fashionable to attribute these lethal blows by the enemy in our mainland front to ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ – as if these two elements themselves have physical ability to carry out these attacks. ‘Terrorism’ is just a tactic, among other tactics, that is employed by the Taliban/Jihadis in their war against the state and people of Pakistan.

People talk about elimination of ‘terrorism’ by Taliban/Jihadis in our mainland, which is fine, but terrorism is not an auto machine which can stop by itself by condemning it or censuring it. As stated above terrorism is simply a tactic employed by our human enemy. To stop or eliminate the use of this tactic or method of terrorism by the enemy you have to physically disable and militarily defeat the Taliban/Jihadis in both the battlefield fronts.

Verbally persuading this enemy not to commit terrorism in our land has not and will not work unless the enemy is on the verge of being defeated and wiped out. As long as the enemy goes virtually unchallenged and as long as its use of terrorism especially in the second front is an unmitigated success in realization of its war objectives, it will inexorably continue to employ the tactic of terrorism.

And to defeat the enemy in all the fronts, especially in the second front, a defensive strategy will fail as is becoming increasingly evident, given the formidable magnitude of the area and the seemingly limitless soft, vulnerable targets to defend and the limited resources of the country.

The only viable and effective strategy for our armed forces to secure victory and vanquish the enemy on this front is to go on the offensive as outlined above. Failing to fight the enemy in the second front is not an option for our armed forces and for our people – unless we want to say goodbye to the state of Pakistan as we know it.

Absent an all-out offensive, the miasma of terrorism will continue to shock us daily with the news of devastating attacks, each more audacious and horrifying.

To those who say that we should not commit the bulk of the army to go full throttle against this most vicious and bloodthirsty enemy, that we should save the army, my response is: Save it for what? Save it to defend the eastern border with India? But what if there’s no country left to defend by the time India attacks? To preserve the army as it is the strongest institution of the country? But what if the Taliban/Jihadis outflank it from north to south and encircle it while it continues to sit in its bases as the country around it burns in flames?

During the 67 years of our nation’s existence we have built our armed forces with the blood and sweat of some of the finest of our men and with a large portion of our precious treasure and resources.

This enemy has killed or wounded hundreds of thousands of our people, inflicted immeasurable destruction of our country in all aspects. If the army cannot or will not defend it from this menace now, then when? The time to fulfill its duty is now.

The writer is a US-based corporate attorney, author, independent analyst and writer.


  1. Once again a correct, proper and learned analysis by Mr. Kamal. I think the army should intervene and defend our cities, vaillages and fight this mosntrous enemy, otherwise the country will be doomed. Just at all the daily terrorism, suicide bombings and killings of our women, childten and men. Very well written articles. Hope the establishment is listening and acts. Kudos to the writer

  2. In theory the article is fine but in practice it is non starter. Army cannot be everywhere. It is the duty of every citizen to rise upto the challenge. Before we attack physically the challenge is to the change the minds of these desperados who call themselves jihadists or whatever. As long as their perverted view of islam gains ground we are lost. We have to attack the roots and not the branches. We have to convice these bloodyminded people that their idea is misguided. Killing is not the answer—-convincing is the answer. Let us start from the red mosque!

  3. @ M M Khan. I parially agree that pursuadivg is better than killing, but only if it works. So far pursuading the terrorists has not worked and will never works as stated by Mr Kamal. Convincing the bloodthirsty terrorists to change their mindset, you must be joking. They strongly believe they are right and that they are doing for Islam. Actually Talibans/ Jihadis want to change our mindset. And how you will change their mindset? By going into Wazirstan and getting beheaded. The author is correct, fighting them offensively and finishing them off is the only solution. Otherwise be prepared for terrorism forever.

  4. Very well writtem article. Agree with the author. Offensive startegy is the best strategy to defeat and neutralize the Taliban/Jihadis monsters. Itsthe only solution to terroism.

  5. High caliber article . I commend writer's super writing skills, quite refreshing. However, this army will not fightin this main front, maybe it lacks ability or courage. Meanwhile Pakistanis are being murdered by the thousands, and nobody is there to defend us. Thanks PT .

  6. Good piece. The fact is that we are too afrid to fight and the Talibans are taking advantage of this.They have destroyed the country in all respects, and yet we do nothing. We seem to be living in a dream if we think we can achieve by talking what we could not gain by fighting. Keep on dreaming and keep on being killed.

  7. @Jamal. That's right. If we keep on doing nothing concrete and just talk about talks, about an APC conference on Talibans threat, about formulating a national terrorism policy, whatever taht means, we and Pakistan will continue to fail. Wee saif, author.

  8. Pak people and its army should wake up and act, otherwise it might be too late…good article and writing style is superb…

  9. Yes, the author is correct in this strategy to crush the Talibans. Thats the only way to fight and defend ourselves, go on the offensive. Thanks Mr Kamal for this brilliant opinion and analysis.

  10. I agree. NS and his PMLN should take the lead in taking action to eliminate the Talibans by any ming it.eans. This is cmpletely necessary and we have no other alternative. enjoyed reading this piece, I am sav

  11. As an ex amyman I agree with Mr Kamal. In any way an army has to fight the enemy in all fronts, otherwise the enemy will win. You cannot leave any fron in the war open and unprotected. Thats the best srtategy. Great article, one of the best I have read in a long time. I am sure our COAS will do the needfull. Thank you.

  12. Indeed beautiful writing, It was a pleasure to read this article. Pakistanis must fight the terrorists on ALL fronts if we want to survive as a dignified, viable, brave nation. Well said Sir.

  13. Eliminating and finishing off ALL the Talibans everywhere is the ONLY solution for our country, as the author rightly states

  14. @DR Ahmed….agree with you and Kamal Saheb, Taliban enemy must be dealt with convincingly in all fronts and defeated by our army…Great article. Thanks

  15. @Tausif Kamal Saheb, excellent suggestion, but if the govt and army doesn't do it, then what ? Its distressing to think about this future of our country with terrorism and attacks and bombing by Taliban continuing. Will it soon stop, I doubt it.They have so many suicide bombers and so much supply ofbombing materials.

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