Pakistan Today

Oaths of allegiance

The importance of taking an oath and pledging allegiance should be gauged from the fact that just verbal recitation of kalima converts a non-Muslim to a Muslim, breaking all bonds with any other faith or beliefs previously held by an individual. What is after all the ritual of offering prayers other than submission to the will of Almighty! Similarly, when a Pakistani national makes a voluntary decision to pledge an oath of loyalty to another nation, its constitution, monarch, elected constitutional head etc, he renounces all pledges of loyalty to his own country, its constitution and laws.
One can understand the compulsions of those who in search of livelihood are forced to seek foreign nationalities, sending their savings to feed their extended families living in Pakistan. What is unfortunate is the choice of those who having benefitted the most from this country, made fortunes courtesy vast opportunities offered by Pakistan, chose to betray their motherland to flee from any accountability and yet be allowed to play a role in the politics of this country, or be nominated on boards of directors of important state owned corporations, financial institutions and policy making corridors. It is such people who are involved in massive flight of capital from Pakistan.
Can somebody explain what forced Governor State Bank Yasin Anwar or others holding prominent and sensitive assignments, including those heading political parties, to obtain nationality of another country although their oath of allegiance binds them to serve national interests of their newly adopted state, if and when called upon to do so. Will UK, USA or Canada allow its Chancellor of Exchequer or Treasury Secretary to hold a foreign nationality where he can seek refuge to evade accountability?

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