Pakistan Today

Minister for education for all

Minister of State for Education, Trainings, and Standards in Higher Education Muhammad Baligh-ur-Rehman on Tuesday said the present government would implement a unified education system in the country through ending discrimination in provision of facilities in all the provinces.
Addressing at the Air University Project Exhibition 2013, the minister said the government would take strong measures to bring standard in education at all levels.
The raise in the budget of higher education sector from Rs 39 billion to Rs 58 billion was evident of the government’s commitment to education. He said the government would also take steps to bring improvement in the field of technical and skill based education.
Congratulating the students on exhibiting their innovative final year projects, the minister said the university education in science and engineering was a long and arduous process requiring hard work and determination to become a qualified professional.
Baligh-ur-Rehman said these students have heavy responsibility on their shoulders and they must perform their duties with utmost honesty and diligence. He stressed upon bridging the technology gap between Pakistan and developed nations through innovation.
Stressing the importance of practical learning, he said that the students should get practical expertise in their respective fields as far as possible.
“The root to success is paved with determination and hard work and there is no short cut to fame and glory except dedication”, he said.
Vice-chancellor Dr Ijaz A. Malik gave a short introduction of the university, its facilities and programs offered while Senior Dean, Dr Zafar Ullah Qureshi gave an overview of the projects displayed in the exhibition.
This year electrical engineering students displayed 57 projects in the fields of Embedded Systems, Signal and Image Processing, Wireless and Digital Communication, RF and Microwaves, and Power Generation and Power Electronics.
Mechatronics engineering students displayed 24 projects in four areas via Robotics, Industrial Automation, Energy, and Autonomous (ground and air) Vehicles.
In mechanical engineering, 30 projects covered micro energy power, automobile engineering, manufacturing and industrial systems. Computer Science students displayed 8 projects in embedded systems as well as simulation for industrial applications.
An award ceremony was held where top three projects from each department, as judged by a committee of senior representative from industry and academia were awarded prizes.
Representatives of over 300 organisations both from public and private sector attended the exhibition.

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