‘Negligence’ claims life at Munshi Hospital


A 27-year-old woman on Monday died due to alleged negligence of doctors at Munshi Hospital.
Noreen’s parents and other family members protested against the hospital administration on Bund Road due to which traffic remained suspended. The protesters shouted slogans against the hospital admin. Heavy contingents of police reached the scene. The family members said their daughter died due to the negligence of the doctors. They said they had told the doctors to provide medical treatment to Noreen, but to no avail. They demanded that the Punjab government take stern action against the hospital admin. The protesters dispersed peacefully after police officials assured them of action against those responsible.


  1. What kind of reporting is this? There is no mention of the reason why this girl died? What was the negligence on the part of the doctors?Did pt come late to the hosp? Was this a case of ectopic pregnancy or ruptured appendix? Or severe hemorrhage after delivery?

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