No drinking water at railway station


Unavailability of drinking water at Lahore Railway Station has multiplied passengers’ problems as they were compelled to buy costly bottled water in sweltering weather.
Most of the water taps are either missing or broken at almost all platforms of the station and the situation causes ample problems, especially for minors, women and elderly people.
Passengers said on Monday the railway station administration had been informed about the unavailability of water but it had not taken any action for the last many days.
It was observed that canteens and kiosks were charging exorbitant prices for bottled drinking water.
“Bottled water worth Rs 25 is being sold for Rs 45 by vendors at platform number 2, 3, 4, 5, 3A, 8 and 9,” passengers said.
Some regular commuters alleged that vendors bribe the railway officials for creating artificial water shortage so that people would have to buy costly water bottles.
Asad, Ashfaq, Tariq, Usman and some other daily commuters said that drinking water was scarcely available at platforms number 3, 3A, 8 and 9.
A passenger said that single water dispenser was functioning at platform number 2 while others were non-operational or had disappeared.
Tariq, Shahid and Faraz alleged the railway authorities did not try to facilitate the passengers, adding that they do not have time or priority to check the facilities to be provided to passengers.
The railway official, on contacting, rejected the allegations of “misconduct or bribe” and said that no water tap were missing at any platform.
However, he conceded that only three water dispensers were ‘not on the scene’ due to some technical faults. He said that water dispensers would be re-installed in a few days after repairs.


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