Indian fighter planes enter Pakistan territory


Two Indian fighter planes entered Pakistan’s airspace near Head Sulemanki border, local media reported on Tuesday.

According to initial details, the fighter planes entered Pakistani territory at around 10:41am and stayed there for around two minutes.

The planes were reportedly five to seven miles inside Pakistan.

As soon as the violation occurred, the air traffic controller signaled the planes for a sign explaining the move. When no signal was sent back, the air traffic controller informed Pakistan Air Force (PAF).

While PAF was preparing to respond, the Indian planes had left.


  1. How could PAF spare them and miss Golden chance for air supermacy. Bring them down next time?

  2. LOL, compromised leadership, sold out generals, corrupt bureaucracy. is that so hard to understand???

  3. Lets be fair. An intrusion of 2 minutes can only be challenged if you have a CAP in the air all the time. As was the case when India had threatened surgical strikes.

    • Lets face it, India is always up to no good. There should be a CAP in the air and ready to shoot first and ask questions later.

  4. Indian military also doesn’t endorse the moves for normalisation of relations.
    Straws in the wind: Firing on line of control, retaliatory murder of a jail inmate, allegation of instigating Sikh unrest, manhandling of the diplomt

  5. Very sad and very bad,well, i think PAF fighter aircrafts have converted on CNG kits to save revenue of the nation and were standing in line outside PAF CNG station for refueling meanwhile Indian jets ran away.

  6. Seems like Indians testing Pakistan,s alertness and response time.PAF needs to minimize its response time so next time no room left for Indians.Also radar systems also need to be upgraded so its detect planes before its violate borders also PAF planes needs to be alert 24 hours and at least should jets immediately available for response to treat.

  7. We are sleeping nation with open doors, Anybody can enter anytime. please don't distrub

  8. Let us calm down and be rational. Such things happen all the time. Our authorities handled correctly. The jet fighters were idenified, asked to explained and they left. Every thing was handled correctly. How long does it take to scramble a jet fighter and reach the area?. We were not caught sleeping.

  9. I agree with Dr. M.M.Khan. We need to be rational and should avoid emotional responses. These kind of things are very normal and happen many times in many countries.

  10. It was during Nawaz Sherif's time that our Navy unarmed P22 Orion was shot down by indian airforce and Nawaz had to recall back back our F-16 when they were on their way to retialiation.

  11. I guess they were testing if they can enter like Americans did in Abbotabad! PAF jets responded to the call and that was enough to send them back!

  12. I think they were here to may be take some pictures which may be they did and went back. In 2 mins with new cameras a lots of things can be done.

  13. India will say soon they forgot their way to come back and entered the Pakistan's territory and were just checking the situation that Pakistan can respond or not. PAF should take them down next time.

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