Vegetarian diet lowers risk of death


A new study from Loma Linda University in California has found that a vegetarian diet is associated with a reduced risk of death, with lower risks of several chronic diseases, including hypertension, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Published in JAMA International Medicine, the study found that the vegetarians studied tended to be older, more highly educated, less likely to be married, drink less alcohol, smoke less, exercise more and, in general, be thinner than those who did not adhere to a vegetarian diet.
This study looked at mortality in a group of 73,308 men and women Seventh-Day Adventists. The researchers categorized diets consumed into five groups: non-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian (who eat seafood), lactoovo-vegetarian (includes dairy and eggs) and vegan (which excludes all animal products). Within the groups, there were a total of 2,570 deaths during an average follow-up time of six years, with the rate of mortality for vegetarians falling 12 percent below the non-vegetarian groups. Men were found to have more significant health benefits associated with the diet, including a significantly lower risk of heart disease mortality.
While the results of the study are intriguing, the study did observe a variety of socioeconomic and behavioural differences between vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Are vegetarians healthier because of their diets, or are they on their diets because they are more interested in living a healthy lifestyle? This study does not specify, leaving open the opportunity for future investigation.