MQM workers must change or they will lose me forever: Altaf


The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Friday said if his party workers did not amend themselves, they would lose their leader forever.

In a telephonic address to members of the Interim Rabita (Coordinating) Committee and other party workers, Altaf said he initiated the MQM in Karachi University (KU) to identify the rights of people who migrated during the partition, but over the time, ninety eight percent of the party’s population had become the voice of the poor and oppressed citizens in the country.

He added that his party was not formed to perpetrate hatred towards any nationality or class, but to work for the rights of marginalised people

Moreover, he said the linguistic and regional-based problems that he had to face in his student life were not seen in the history of the region.

MQM’s Rabita (Coordination) Committee was disbanded earlier on Thursday, a decision approved by party chief Altaf Hussain.

The new rabita committee would be formed on Saturday in a general workers’ meeting of the party. In the meantime, administrative affairs of the party would be managed by a seven-member committee which had already been formed.

The move came in the wake of Altaf Hussain’s address to MQM workers earlier during which he said he would purge the party of “corrupt and unwanted” elements and that the cleansing process for that purpose had already begun.


  1. Lets all say, "we do not want to be with you Mr Altaf Hussain" , Leave us alone! We have changed and want to be part of Pakistan… Mr Altaf! You want to break us into Muhajir, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto,… you are not our friend , netiehr you are a Pakistani! We want you to go to jail for all the crimes you have done in your life! Get out of Pakistan! Get out of our lives! Allah is the only one who can give you Insaaf! and He will definitely show you all and the entire world!

  2. just go man, vanish, dissolve, evaporate, disapear, fall off a cliff, whatever…. just go away
    you are nothing but bad nuuz

  3. Bet he got a good lecture from the British High Commission. This is the main reason why he acted with such panic. That social media against pulled it off. I say the Net-vigilantes keep an eye on his speeches & use his own threats against him via calling the British Authorities. Make his British Citizenship a liability for him!

    • What is the source? British HC does stay in London. British are not people who act without proof.

  4. Altaf Hussain change yourself,your workers will automatically be changed. Do not expoilt and provoke the innocent people of Pakistan,you will gain nothing and you will be the loser,as outsiders are using you as Tool to disturb and destabalise Pakistan only ,In that way you are not serving the poor nation.Work and rye for Pakistan.See and check the VISION OF FOUNDER OF PAKISTAN MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH WHO REFUSED ACCEPT GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF BRITAIN AND TOLD WE UNITEDLY GOT RID OF BRITISHERS AND WHY WE AGAIN PUT THEM ON OUR HEADS AGAIN.lOOK HOW SINCERE AND FAITHFUL OF FATHER OF NATION TO PAKISTAN.SO CHANGE YOURSELF AND YOUR WORKERS WILL ADOPT THE SAME WAY.

  5. MQM workers please “change”. Easy way to get rid of him (“loose him for ever”).

  6. All reader are aware of the present situation with Altaf Hussain. No wonder he is hiding what he has been through and what misery and tortures he gave to innocents in Pakistan. While living in London enjoying the life to its full he should have done something better for the mankind instead he arranged and incited hatred amongst people of Pakistan. He is an Urdu speaking and always thought was of a superior kind and he has been wrong all along. Time has come that he has sacked his team in Karachi and also in London He might be hiding something from authorities but British Police and its own agencies do have very long hands They have their own way to find out the facts and soon public will know what transpires from Altaf Hussain change of hearts though huge damage has been done to the people of Pakistan especially Karachi people. God will help him

  7. Stream of confessional statemets gushing direct from the horse’s mouth ( with due apology to that noble animal)

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