
    Dear Editor,

    General elections in the country are now over ( in fact still continuing) but the process has not gone smoothly as was supposed to be.

    Instead it has created a lot of problems for the people in general.

    All the participating parties have their complains – only at the places where they have loosed. A torrent of DHARNAs by the loosers

    is currently going on and the ECP in turn appears accepting pressure of the DHARNAs and arranging repolling at certain places, But it appears

    by following this path, the ECP will have a permanent job in hand, doing repolling at various places, one after the other.

    In my view, the ECP and the GOVT should not at this stage, accept the pressure of the DHARNAs because in this country, people do not

    easily accept their defeat even if it is a genuine one. The elections have been done and all should accept the result. If there is any thing

    wrong at any place, the ECP is responsible for it and not the general public, which is now suffering because of negligence & failure of the ECP

    to act properly.


    On the other hand, no body is questing the criminal negligence and failure of the ECP and its bureaucracy in making fool proof arrangements

    which could have avoided the current situation. In my view, the ECP is solely responsible for all the mess in which the nation finds itself

    after these elections. I think the Govt and the court should take sou moto action against the beauracracy of the ECP, which was

    entrusted to carry out the job properly.

    Mohammed Mustafa

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