Alarming figures: 152 committed suicide in April


Global Foundation Executive Director Ulfat Kazmi on Sunday said that nearly one hundred and fifty two people in the country committed suicide during April, however the police registered only six FIRs in this regard.

In the report Kazmi revealed that out of 152 suicide cases, 40 were women, citing various causes such as social restrictions, poverty, unemployment, household problems, family disputes, relationship failures and others.

Of these, 124 cases were from Punjab, 32 from Sindh and 6 from Khyber Pakhtukhwa (KPK). He underlined that figures from Balochistan could not be incorporated because they were not collected in time. Further, he said that 119 of the people who committed suicide were married and 33 were single.

30 suicides were attributed to domestic problems, six to mental agony, eleven to problem in personal relationships and seven to poverty. Moreover, three suicides were said to be caused by the loss of loved ones, fathers, sons and spouses.

Kazmi’s report also detailed the means employed by those who committed suicide: 66 poisoned themselves, 28 hanged themselves, while 12 by drowning. 4 people burnt themselves, 36 committed suicide by gunshot, 2 by jumping from a building, one from electrocution and 6 were run over by a train.

Ulfat Kazmi added that other human rights organizations must act to curtail rising suicide rates in society.