1. It ain’t over til the fat lady sings..I still believe PTI will win in the end..people want change .at least that is what they have been screaming about..with PML-N or PPP nothing will change..it will all stay the same..BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT PAKISTAN AND ITS PEOPLE..only their own pockets..

    • It seems you are looking for change imposed by others not by pepole of Pakistan.
      Be realistec to accept what has come out of election ….of course fair election

    • I'll Really upset because I was belave this time pakistani peoples go for chang but still thay beleve on these kind of people like nawez shereef and others . I think the nation 'll going in dangerous . because situation is same like 1971 . one regnale party 'll going to roll in country . god bless this country


  2. massive rigging at polling stations by PML-N..they took away the ballot papers of ladies n started stamping 'Sher' on them..they aired this live on television channels..n PML-N's workers also stopped PTI voters at many polling stations from voting for PTI…this is how they win votes, they force people to vote for them!!!

    The media must take action now!!

    • We need to be able to accept the results. Results may always not be in our favor. Wining and losing is part of the game.

      • The political carrier of pti is very short against the giant SHER but imran show very good result in election.it is very difficult to gain 10% result in this system opf politics but imran show the full power in kpk and 2nd big party in punjab.The supporter of imran has won

    • you PTI people can never see the truth and reality. You are so carried away by your passion for a wrong leader.

      • mam fareeha kindly answer me one thing, that khawaja saad rafique stopped 202 polling stations results all over the night and ayaaz sadiq results also announce today?
        other all lahore seats results announced at 10 pm yesterday night.
        if i m wrong then tell me

    • You Said right ,Actually Zardari ,Najam Sethi ,Nawaz sharif had a joint mission to defeat PTI .There was a deal to bring Nawaz Sharif and give safe path to Musharaf and Zardari .

    • I'll Really upset because I was belave this time pakistani peoples go for chang but still thay beleve on these kind of people like nawez shereef and others . I think the nation 'll going in dangerous . because situation is same like 1971 . one regnale party 'll going to roll in country . god bless this country

    • buhahahahahahaha accept it from the core of ur heart plz don't blame…………

  3. I totally agree..how can they be allowed to come to power with such fraudulent activites going on..if nothing gets done about this then, why bother voting or even abiding to the rule of law..

  4. Allah ka lakh lakh sukar ha poling ka silsla katm howa. ag mujy duty karta howy kushi howi ha ka punjab main true and sahfaf electoin hota hain .

  5. i think mejurity is right you cant win with 32 seats but imran khan must sit in opposito

  6. Congratulations to PTI on a really good show. This party was born not too long ago and look at the progress it has made in such a short period of time. Pundits had counted it out not too long ago but it was the resiliency of IK, the support if its workers who believed in him that made it where it stands today. Regarding the results, as long as people continue to vote based on ethnicity, real change will not happen. PML-N is a party filled with feudal, thugs and looters; a party that supports right-wing nuts like the SSP, LeJ, etc., who have killed scores of innocent people is not going to bring this country out of the turmoil. I am a Punjabi, but I must say that, as usual, Punjab has failed to deliver because of its support of PML-N, which was purely based on ethnicity and not on merit.

    • Ganjae aqal kae nakun lae, this is not a defeat. comming from scratch made a big hit to all including sher. But no matter people looking for a change n this will come for sure!

  7. Nawaz sharif should do well. Voters have rejected firangi gulam corrupt nightclubs bouncer loudfoulmouth chor allharaams..

    Allah o akbar.

    • So, how did Shahbaz Sharif change your life during the last five years when he had control of the entire Punjab? Did he do anything to reduce load shedding in Punjab? With people like you his side, he does not need to because he knows that he will most likely win regardless of his performance.

    • ''What is Changa Manga Politics". Factual history of Changa Manga Politics.Luckily it is still fresh in our minds Nawaz is the founder of this evil in our politics.Mr. Nawaz Sharif introduced money in a big way by first holding the concerned person or group hostage at Changa Manga and then sifting by extortion or bribe. Why are we protecting such individuals who run away at the slightest pretext and then return as 'heroes' courtesy MONEY. A number of our socalled Party Leaders would have been dead and buried in an honest society,but our intellectuals and media come to their rescue and provide life support,coutesy MONEY again

  8. It ain't over til the fat lady sings..I still believe PTI will win in the end..people want change .at least that is what they have been screaming about..with PML-N or PPP nothing will change..it will all stay the same..BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT PAKISTAN AND ITS PEOPLE..only their own pockets..

    • Congrates to Sindh Baluchistan and KPK people who did not vote for PMLN and rejected Punjabi Imperialism. People of these provinces are united against Punjabi Imperialism.

      • Dear Lazim Punjabis are the founder of Pakistan and how you dare to say Punjabis imperialims as you Punjabis hate and did struggle agaisnt this bloody system and got rid of imperialists and how they can be treated and said as you stated. You must express your apologies over your rubbish statement,otherwise we go to the judiciary.Punjab is the heart of Pakistan,KPK in the arms of Pakistan,Balochistan is the soul and essential part of Pakistan and great and lovely Sindh is the brain of Pakistan.Avoid to spread miscreants and misunderstanding between the people and make Pakistan stronger,prosperous,peaceful and lovely.

  9. i still do not understand what change people are expecting if you change few faces and think we change the true face of politics then it was just like fooling them self.its our infidelity that we forgotten what he have given to our country .if you really what some change then stop talking and start changing your self.

  10. yes we believe on pmln they never let pakistan down for their own favours like zardari n imran


  11. it is a dissapointed position of Imran from panjb.it means he is not able to convert all these big JALSAZ into electorial vectory.But still good for a new and unexperince compainar to have this rzlt .

  12. I can not believe this that how can we make pmln win the guy like nawaz sharief who has sugar mills, millions of dollar in foreign bank he just pays 5000 in tax. But now I can say you guys deserve him thank to Allah I m not in Pakistan

  13. Good comment by sistr Fareeha.But i thank that it is huge victory for PTI in KPK just like ppp in sindh’ pml(n) in panjab.so good going for his first election .

  14. Congrats to my fellow country men for picking another term of misery. Somehow we never want to learn from our past mistakes. I have no remorse for the people of Pakistan. If there is corruption, load shedding, no job opportunities, terrorism, and every kind of 'daandli', the people of Pakistan are responsible. For an added bonus don't apply for international visas for other countries, you guys deserve to stay in Pakistan where you have sought your demise.

    Once again congrats,
    Ahmed Malik

  15. Good effort to bring change in pakistani politics, but it is still a chaudry and wadera rule in our so call democratic country. My advise to Nawaz is that, that he shoull consult PTI, PPP and MQM before forming a broad government. I do not have good hope for PML(N). Because they were fail to deliver in past and disappoint voters of Pakistan, specially on occassion of 1997 general election

  16. congregulation pakistan!
    it’s time to repear the old pakistan.pakistani does’nt want to have a new pakistan.

  17. Peopole of Punjab have decided to live with prevailing corrupt system. They want to be ruled by the police, who work only to serve the rulers not public. PML-N govt. will never change the crule and corrupt system as they can not survuve without it. Now people should watch how rapidly assets of Shareef family will again increas.
    In last term, about 6000 primary schools were closed in Punjab so that Laptop and Danish school schemes could be funded. Let's see how many more ar closed in their new term.

    • ok brother hafeez,
      let we see that may mian sb take action against the gillaani,s corruption, raja rental and other hundered of scandals of our tax money.
      but if u say that just nawaz come and say load de doon ga roads bana doon, u know v well that the corruption is our main problem.
      and if mian sb. will not take a action against the big scandals then what,s ur opinion for them,


    • God Bless on Pakistan and safe from the Terriorism and other lobies. Nawaz Sharif – Mubarak. Please do good in favour of Pakistan not for yourself and your family because you have too much money to run yourself for the next 100-years. We pray for you to make pakistan Asian Tiger as you said in your speaches. I hope that you will provide Electricity to Pakistani people within shortest period. We poor people needs Bread, Homes to live not other waisted things otherwise your Party position will become same like as " zardari Drones on Peoples Part" I request you to again kindly do good for the republic of Pakistan. I PROUD OF PAKISTAN.

  18. PML-N 193 All others 20+40+7+6=73. No such thing as democracy with 193/73. People just ain't like that. Smells bad. Compare results from other democracries over the last 50 years and try to find such an overwhelming majority and ask yourself why not? Walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck

  19. The elections were rigged or people of punjab, sind and balochestan are just plain stupid.

    • And Karachi?
      Either rigging, or people there just have come to love the sound of gunshots in the morning. I guess they can't live without the target killings, mafia, kidnappers, extortionists, terrorists, corruption and fear. Keep on moving backwards! That's the ticket!

  20. Its very much fortunate that that the leadership of Pakistan is changing positively. Although, here, we are expected to see some old wine in the new bottle, yet a good fool is better than the bad sane.

  21. pakistanyo!
    Pleas have your seats because it is time to see another NUTANKI for 5 years while i am not pretty shure that it will take 5 years.IMRAN KHAN having a tuff job to do in KPK and main nawaz sharif need to prove himself as a pure goverment .
    Jawad ahsan khttak

  22. Well come MIAN MOHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF you deserve for the PM seat.
    and we also wellcome Mr. Imran Khan as a Govt part, and we hope that PMLN and PTI will make a better pakistan. because they both have good candidates.

    sher bs sher bs sher bs sher…….

    Ibn E khalil


  24. Hello frnds I am from india hyd. Still u all people fight for ur right. nawaz sharief party cheated. Muslim people stil belive in perri muredi n jagirdari system. Nawaz party win from villages not from main city shame on them.

  25. Grand Congratulation PMNL N Nawaz Sharif P M In Pakistan Next 10 yaer In Shaa Allah

  26. Dear brother muhammad saeed your are right up to some extent.But we have to accept the results.If someones elect nawaz sharif it means that they belive him as person to get red of those many challenges which pakistan at the time is facing.Let gave them some time to govern and then critisize.

  27. In PAKISTAN every one is looking for a 100% pure person which is 500% not possible.I thank at the time we have to choose the less curupt person and accept the above reality.So it is requst to all pakistanies!dont critise anyone for their parties.

  28. On 11 of may the pattans proved that how much they are free in thier openion and thoughts while on other hand sindies and punjabies also proved that they are not metuar and free in thier decisions,and still they are slaves of “VADERAS AND JAGERDARR”…..Feeling sham for fool pakistanies….u agree or not but it is the truth.

  29. PATHAN proved that they want to get rid of this insergerncy and blood war inside KPK.Now it’s time for IMRAN KHAN that how his parte getup to the tasks and chellenges which they should face inside Kpk.And how they convert those dreams into real.
    Best of luck PTI !

  30. AOA
    Insh Allah in the future the PTI Would be the grand party in the pakistan if it works best in the province of KPK. otherwise in the future it would also be abolished if it does not work in KPK.

  31. a best opposition is far more better than the ruling party. If opposition made them go right. Keep it up Khan Sahib you have done an impression next will be your turn.

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