Most Muslims want Sharia law: study


A majority of Muslims around the world want Sharia law to be implemented in their countries but are split on how it should be applied, a Pew Research Center study has found.
A comprehensive study titled “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society” conducted between 2008 and 2012 focused on 38,000 people in 39 countries and territories drawn from a global Muslim community of 2.2 billion people.
A solid majority of Muslims, notably in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, were in favor of Sharia — traditional Islamic law — being adopted as the law of the land.
The percentage of those in favor of Sharia being implemented as their country’s law varied from eight percent in Azerbaijan to 99 percent in Afghanistan.
The study revealed many Muslims were in favour of applying Sharia in the private sphere to settle family or property disputes.
However, in most countries surveyed, there was less support for severe punishments, such as cutting off the hands of thieves or executing people who convert from Islam to another faith.
A majority of Muslims are also in favour of freedom of religion, even while backing Sharia. In Pakistan, for example, 84 percent of Muslims want Sharia enshrined as official law but 75 percent believe non-Muslims are free to practice their religion.
Around half of Muslims in the survey expressed concerns about religious extremism, particularly in Egypt, Iraq and Tunisia.
In most countries, a majority of Muslims said a wife must obey her husband, although a majority also said a woman should decide whether or not to wear a veil.
Most Muslims said they do not feel tension between their religion and modern life, prefer a democratic regime, enjoy music or Western movies, even if such pastimes are sometimes regarded as undermining morality.
An overwhelming majority viewed prostitution, homosexuality, suicide or alcohol consumption as immoral but there are sharp differences on issues such as polygamy.
Only four percent polled in Bosnia and Herzegovina considered polygamy morally acceptable, against 87 percent in Niger.
A strong majority surveyed said so-called honour killings could never be justified. The only exceptions came in Afghanistan and Iraq, where majorities condoned executions of women deemed to have shamed their families by engaging in premarital sex or adultery.
Violence carried out in the name of Islam was also widely rejected.
In the United States, 81 percent of Muslims said such violence can “never” be justified against a global median of 73 percent.
Substantial minorities in Bangladesh, Egypt, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories said violence was permissible.


  1. Do they understand what is shariah? or just running blind behind mullas

    • Yes I want shariah, I want Islamic law, law which ALLAH has given us through his Prophet(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). law which covers everything about life.
      Tragedy with our nation is, many of us got technical education, but most of them lacks with the basic knowledge of Islam, which is real knowledge.

  2. Yes I want shariah, I want Islamic law, law which ALLAH has given us through his Prophet(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). law which covers everything about life.
    Tragedy with our nation is, many of us got technical education, but most of them lacks with the basic knowledge of Islam, which is real knowledge.

    • Its a tragedy with the whole Muslim they follow Mulla interpretation of Islam who himself does not know Islam what to talk of technical knowledge

      • Sharia law is the way of the prophet not the way of the Mullah.

        Get it Right. Dont be Liberal be Muslim. Liberalism is for Atheists.

        Sharia Law is an important factor in islam it must be accepted at all costs.


  3. Allaha says-and certainly We made Quran easy to get advice. Is there any body who pay heeds-.So please all humanity needs to live according to last prophet Muhammad(SAAWW) including political life

    • well said, May Allah bless you with his bounties of every thing. please pray for us to practice shariah in its real sense, not according to our whims.

  4. I want to say one thing very clearly, THERE IS NO DEMOCRATIC/REPUBLICAN style of GOVERNANCE in ISLAM. Just for an example, according to the present style, if 10 people live in a country, 7 are barbarized and 3 are civilized, 7 barbarized people will make government because they have majority.

    BUT in ISLAMIC SHURA, the 3 civilized people will make government. So, ISLAMIC style is totally opposite to present style. Think at present, The name of this country in "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN" now according to upper definition its "ISLAMIC ATHEIST PAKISTAN". Please note DEMOCRACY IS NOT ALLOWED IN ISLAM.

    One thing more, ISLAM does not even consider the 7 barbarized people to take part in ISLAMIC ELECTIONS, by running the present government style we are supporting and following jews, christians ans pagans. Hope you will wake up.

  5. A bogus study designed to frighten the West and create more anti Islam fervour.
    Most Muslims just want a decent life and freedom to practice religion regardless of their sect.

    • Only a woman who does not follow the sunnah would say that. Sharia is the Islamic Governance of Muslims. END OF. DONT BE LIBERAL, LIBERALISM IS FOR ATHEISTS. NOT MUSLIMS.

    • yes Ajaz , islam teaches us/all humanity to love all human being not hate from any body. Our Holy Prophet(pbuh) always teaches love and affection , and utmost care for others , not selfishness. We should be positive and courteous with all. give self respect to each one.

  6. Off course, the solution to our problems reside in ISLAMIC LAW i-e. LAW OF QURAN. Muslims have to now reject this present bogus governance system. If Muslims once again implement their own system, they can go to GOLDEN AGES once again.

  7. People often talk about SECTS, and reject or hesitate to ISLAMIC SYSTEM. Just tell me one thing. WHAT WAS THE SECT OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH). Only his SECT will be allowed by SHARIA SYSTEM. Hope you will understand my point of direction.

  8. According to ISLAM, JEHAAD is the most valuable act in front of GOD. No one become MOMEN without JEHAAD. Why people consider Muslim JEHAAD bad. If it is bad than what is CRUSADE WAR, how it is right? Why JEWS are waiting for the FINAL BATTLE at the appearance of DAJJAL (ULTIMATE GOVERNOR OF JEWS).

    Muslim need to wake up now!

  9. Sharia law is the way of the prophet not the way of the Mullah.

    Get it Right. Dont be Liberal be Muslim. Liberalism is for Atheists.

    Sharia Law is an important factor in islam it must be accepted at all costs.


  10. Sharia is defined by four jurists, hanafi, maliki, hambli and shafi…so its man made and mullahs of different sharias would interpret it differently. secondly there is no concept of islamic government is islam…I ask Dr Mark if there was a concept of islamic government laid out in Quran and hadith, how the first four caliphs were elected/selected differently. Do we have to form a committe of six person to elect a caliph as Hazrat omar did or caliph nominates his successor like Hazrat Abu Bakr..

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