Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline


The two options Pakistan apparently has to meet its energy needs of gas are the Turkmenistan gas pipeline and the Iran gas pipeline. If we avoid jargons and technicalities we can still attempt to analyse the situation in an easier language. In any given normal conditions and circumstances, Iran-Pakistan gas supply line seems to be the most logical option merely because Iran is Pakistan’s neighbor, has had good diplomatic relations traditionally and the gas line looks financially feasible. On the other hand, Pakistan faces a challenge particularly from its Western allies not to go ahead with the project. Instead there are talks in favour of Turkmenistan gas line in order to avoid international pressure within and outside Pakistan.

Opinions may differ and feasibilities might lay in both proposals. It seems obvious that had it not have been international pressure on Pakistan’s sovereignty, the Pak-Iran gas deal would had been good news for most. International relations are formulated on the basis of national interest and this is no secret that Pakistan today arguably faces its worst ever energy crisis. While the region grows at a faster pace it is also no secret that energy seems to be the stumbling block between Pakistan and its economic growth.

It won’t be wrong to say that Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline project is the quickest option for Pakistan to meet its energy requirements on emergency basis until it makes its own long term energy solutions for a self-sustaining energy system. On the other hand, the fast initiative shown by Iran to complete its end of the deal after completing the distribution line up till Pakistan’s doorstep is another important factor to convince Pakistan. With global social, political and diplomatic situation changing at a fast pace and Pakistan in dire need to respond to its people who are nothing but a pack of hopeful resilient lot, the need of the hour was to go for a quick solution. There are also reports that indicate China’s probable interest in being a third partner in this project which would definitely result in more stakeholders and reduce pressure on Pakistan particularly from the West.

