Jailers taken to task for use of mobile phones in prisons


Three assistant superintendents of prisons (ASP)s and 13 head warders from the Kotlakhpat Central Jail have been called to explain their failure to check the illegal use of mobile telephones.

Senior Superintendent Jail Mohsin Rafiq Chaudhary said that during the last crackdown, a total of 623 mobile phones and SIMs were seized from prisoners confined in different barracks. He said that despite strict monitoring and searching of prisoners’ baggage through screening machines and physical frisking of inmates through metal detectors at the time of entry into jail, the prisoners maneuvered mobile phones and SIMs ‘most probably’ with the connivance of few unscrupulous jailers. He said to get rid of this menace, it has been decided by the Prisons Chief Mian Farooq Nazeer that ASPs and warders must be taken to task who failed to check illegal use of mobile phones. Rafiq said that jailers who fail to perform will be transferred to desk work.


  1. Send all the jail staff to home with no benefits.
    I can safely say they are making money under the table and they are all corrupt.

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