Myanmar leader calls for unity in New Year speech


Myanmar’s reformist president called for multi faith harmony in a national address to mark the country’s New Year celebrations on Sunday, following recent anti-Muslim unrest that has scarred communities. Thein Sein dedicated his speech to promoting religious unity as the nation remains tense after a wave of rioting last month that left 43 dead, thousands displaced and saw homes and mosques destroyed. “Our society has overcome many difficulties and challenges together so we can emerge as a society in which multiple races and religions coexist harmoniously, while still preserving our own customs and traditions,” he said in a televised speech. The former general, whose reforms have garnered widespread praise, said the country’s efforts at democratisation had been hampered by “black spots such as disunity, conflict and instability”. He urged Myanmar citizens to work together to build on the country’s political changes with “patience, tolerance and persistence”.