Pakistan Today

IPPs blessing or disaster

PPP has covered the full back page of the Nation of Apr 14 with charges against the Nawaz Sharif government of having blocked many thermal projects launched by Benazir Bhutto. Are they blind to the fact that the much touted IPPs are consuming 27,000 tons of fuel oil per day, producing power at Rs 16 per unit which the government is selling at Rs 8 per unit, incurring huge losses? The IPPs should have been for the short term only and long term hydel projects should have been undertaken at the same time to produce cheap clean power plus water. Was this omission because the only feasible hydel project at the time was in Punjab? If Benazir’s IPPs are doing such a roaring business as the president keeps saying, why did PM Raja Pervez Ashraf declare that in future no power projects based on oil would be installed? I am waiting to see what the PML-N has to say about this propaganda barrage by PPP.

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