Lindsay Lohan was seen chumming up to Charlie Sheen for the photographers at the red carpet premiere of ‘Scary Movie 5’ in Hollywood on Friday. According to E! News, the 26-year-old actress hit the red carpet a full half an hour after it was scheduled to close and just before the movie was about to start. Lohan also humored the ‘Anger Management’ actor, who plays her onscreen love interest, when he kissed her on the cheek and pretended to grope her, the New York Post reported. The ‘Mean Girls’ star wore a sleek Dolce and Gabbana dress with caged black heels and side-swept hair to the screening. The rehab-bound fashion designer flew from New York to LA for the opening night and will be visiting the Coachella Festival before starting her 90-day court-ordered stint in rehab, which is slated to begin from May 2.