Lawrence College principal resigns under pressure


Lawrence College Murree’s principal has allegedly resigned under pressure after he took disciplinary action against a student belonging to an influential military family.
According to media reports, the principal had taken action against a student for violating the code of conduct. The student however, was related to an influential army officer, said reports. After facing immense pressure, the principal eventually submitted his resignation.
Talking to a TV channel, the former principal asked students of the prestigious institution to continue with their studies with dedication. He said when he was leaving the premises, students blocked his way and would not let him leave. He further said the higher staff was well aware on why he is leaving the college.


  1. When are we going stop powerful people and politican from interference of ordinary prople of pakistan the principle was only doing his job.

  2. principal a brigadier from army. always worked on personal liking and disliking. He damaged many people in his military career. He always liked those who did his chuksing. (TC) khushamid. Hedeserved this fate.

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