Pakistan returns strayed Indian girl with new dress, candies


A seven-year-old girl, Pooja Meghwal, who strayed into Pakistani territory while grazing cattle was handed back by the Pakistani authorities to BSF officials on Monday evening.

The girl is hale and hearty and returned with new dress, footwear and candies offered by Pakistani Rangers, Indian officials said.

Soon after getting the custody of Pooja, the BSF authorities took her to a hospital at an Indian post in Bikaner. The doctors found her in good health.

“We have also intimated her family members and will try to hand over her today,” said a senior officer of BSF.

BSF authorities were in touch with Pakistani Rangers since Friday and had several rounds of flag meetings to get her back. BSF officials said they were waiting for the flag meeting since morning. “The meeting started in the evening when a commandant from their side and a commandant from our side participated in the meeting. They handed over the girl to us at 7:30 pm and we have given her custody to the local police,” said a BSF officer.

“The girl was smiling and was seen in a new dress given to her by Pakistani Rangers,” a BSF officer said.

The girl told Indian officials that she was offered timely meal, candies, new footwear and a new dress by Pakistani Rangers. A woman officer was also deputed by them to take care of her,” Bishnoi added. Pooja had crossed the international border and entered Pakistan through a damaged fencing in Bikaner on Friday.