PTI ready to up the ante with tsunami plus





Hundreds and thousands of PTI workers and supporters are going to throng Minar-e-Pakistan on March 23 to support the “tsunami” for change against the traditional system of power politics, a passionate Imran Khan said on Friday.

During a media talk before the PTI grand show could be termed a second coming for the party, Khan expected a crowd of more than 500,000 expressing their will against the old-guard.

“The party has devised an entire system of governance to reform the existing system which has led to corruption due to political interference. The new Pakistan will have institutions independent of political influence and sinking ships like PIA and WAPDA will become profit making efficient organisations,” Khan said.

He termed the intra-party elections a historic step, but said they came at a heavy cost of rifts within the party. “This led to a decline in the party’s popularity that was interpreted by the opponents as fading away of the tsunami.”

“Those who doubted the strength of tsunami will know tomorrow as we have passed through that uncomfortable phase and now all leadership has been refined through the elections and there is no distinction between the old and new,” he said. Khan added that the tsunami show on Saturday had scared traditional political players.

To questions on funding for the rally, Khan said the money was coming from the ranks and file on the PTI. He said his party would not throw away tax payers’ money and announced that the party would soon start a ‘New Pakistan Fund’ for campaign and electioneering.

Khan hinted at the ongoing talks with the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Nawab Salahuddin of Bahawalpur and Sheikh Rasheed for seat adjustment in the upcoming elections, “but things are tentative and nothing can be said for sure right now”.

The PTI chief reiterated his criticism of the Punjab regime for not letting go of power and keeping the decision-making with the chief minister.

To a question on foreign policy, former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said India was our neighbor and an important player in the region and “we cannot wish it away”, adding that peace and stability was necessary in the region.

Imran Khan appreciated the IP gas project, but doubted the “sincerity” of President Asif Zardari who waited for five years for reasons “best known to him” before finally inking the deal.

Independent analysts however sniff funding from “hidden” sources for such a grand procession which include logistics, food and all other arrangements. Khan however said the entire money is coming from the rank and file of the party, with “workers even paying for food at political luncheons”.


  1. Hail Tsunami!!! we are with you Imran Khan. In sha Allah tmw we will lay the foundation for a new pakistan

  2. Sniff is the right word used for "independent analysts". That is what hogs do in the trough!

  3. Tsunami is a symbol of destruction and can be expected only from people like Imran Khan and his mindless trolls. Imran Khan has kept his real assets (21yr old daughter and 17 & 15 yr old sons) in UK and is therefore non-serious about Pakistan. He does not really care about Pakistan since his 3 children will never come to Pakistan!!

  4. 2 points,but before I start,let me be clear,I do not belong to a political party.First,tsunami,what is that? thats all I ever hear from Imran Khan,putting thousands of people to voice your opinion only brings out the worst in people.Two,as for his kids,I do not care what people may think but I'll always do whats best for my kids,even if it means keeping them away from harms way and Pakistan.Pakistan is not a safe place lets be honest here,although my kids are in Pakistan right now,they are not allowed to be out after dark.As for IK,if he wants to win,he needs to stay on offense by continuing his message and plans,but I don't think he has a chance specially since over seas Pakistani's(about 4 million) will not be able to vote.That allows PPP and PML-N to continue their looting and lying while the people of Pakistan will continue to elect these useless so called leaders.You get what you pay for,at the end,you get what you deserve for the choices you make.

  5. Appeal from all non-resident Pakistanis to our brothers and sisters to please attend tomorrow rally. You guys have all of our support and respect. Aab nahi tu kab?

  6. Mr Kamran Niazi your mindless yourself as Imran khan is talking about Political Tsunami which will crush the rotten political system which has been created by PPP and PMLN.These two parties are sucking the blood out of people.PMLN is the product of Military as Nawaz sharif was the chief minister of Zia ul Haq whereas Bhutto was the foreign minister of Ayub.Only PTI has come through a political process and insha allah will be successful.

    • Please read some history if you do not know anything about the past track of PTI. PTI is the illegitimate child of General Pervez Musharraf when its lifetime Chorman Imran Khan was campaigning for the dictator Musharraf in 2002. In 2011, the lifetime Chorman, Imran Khan, was once again blessed by General Shuja Pasha and PTI became Pasha Tehrik e ilzam repositioning itself only against PML
      muk mukka with MQM and keeping its mouth shut against target killings, extortions and land encroachments in Karachi, where 10 to 15 people are killed everyday. During the past 4 years, killings in Karachi were much more than drone strikes but Imran Khan remained shut!


    • Majority of IK supporters are the young and the educated,that leaves the remaining 70 to 80% population who are poor and uneducated,they will continue to listen to one person in their area,and that person likely belongs to either PML-N in punjab or PPP in other areas of Pakistan.So in other words,its going to be a same ol same ol on election day.Its going to be either PPP or PML-N unfortunately.Either way, we are f….d.The future is in the hands of the people of Pakistan,I'm sorry to say,the future looks bad.IK just doesn't have the numbers to win.I sure would like to see a change,anyone would be better then the Sharif's or Zardari's.

  8. IK should give up! Pakistani people are corrupt and dishonest and will vote for corrupt and dishonest people(the elections will prove that when they vote for PPP and PML). They deserve everything they get.

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