20 dead as riots continue in Myanmar


Two days of clashes between Buddhists and Muslims in central Myanmar began with the death of monk followed by a mob attack.

Burning fires from two days of Buddhist-Muslim violence that killed at least 20 people smouldered across a central Myanmar town on Friday as residents cowered indoors amid growing fears the country’s latest bout of sectarian bloodshed could spread.

The government’s struggle to contain the unrest in Meikhtila is proving another major challenge President Thein Sein’s reformist administration as it attempts to chart a path to democracy after nearly half a century of military rule that once crushed all dissent.

The scenes in Meikhtila, where homes and at least five mosques have been torched by angry mobs, were ominously reminiscent of the sectarian violence between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya that shook western Rakhine state last year, killing hundreds of people and driving more than 100,000 from their homes.

The clashes in Meikhtila which was tense but calm Friday are the first reported in central Myanmar since then.

Troubles began on Wednesday after an argument broke out between a Muslim gold shop owner and his Buddhist customers. A Buddhist monk was among the first killed, inflaming tensions that led a Buddhist mob to rampage through a Muslim neighbourhood.

Violence continued Thursday, and by Friday, Win Htein, a local lawmaker from the opposition National League for Democracy, said he had counted at least 20 bodies. He said 1,200 Muslim families at least 6,000 people have fled their homes and taken refuge at a stadium and a police station.

On Friday, police seized knives, swords, hammers and sticks from young men in the streets and detained scores of looters.

Fires set to Muslim homes continued to burn, but angry Buddhist residents and monks prevented authorities from putting out the blazes.

It was difficult to determine the extent of destruction in the town because residents were too afraid to walk the streets and were sheltering in monasteries or other locations away from the violence.

“We don’t feel safe and we have now moved inside a monastery,” said Sein Shwe, a shop owner. “The situation is unpredictable and dangerous.”

Some monks accosted and threatened journalists trying to cover the unrest, at one point trying to drag a group of several out of a van. One monk, whose faced was covered, shoved a foot—long dagger at the neck of an Associated Press photographer and demanded his camera. The photographer defused the situation by handing over his camera’s memory card.

The group of nine journalists took refuge in a monastery and stayed there until a police unit was able to escort them to safety.

The U.N. secretary-general’s special adviser to Myanmar, Vijay Nambiar, issued a statement expressing “deep sorrow at the tragic loss of lives and destruction.”

The U.S. ambassador to Myanmar, Derek Mitchell, also said he was “deeply concerned about reports of violence and widespread property damage in Meikhtila.”

Meikhtila is about 550 kilometres (340 miles) north of the main city of Yangon with a population of about 100,000 people, of which about a third are Muslims, Win Htein said. He said before this week’s violence, the community had 17 mosques.

There was no apparent direct connection between the Meikhtila violence and that last year in Rakhine state. Rakhine Buddhists allege that Rohingya are mostly illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh. The Muslim population of Meikhtila is believed to be mostly of Indian origin, and although religious tensions are longstanding, the incident sparking the violence seemed to be a small and isolated dispute.

Occasional isolated violence involving Myanmar’s majority Buddhist and minority Muslim communities has occurred for decades.

Under the military governments that ruled Myanmar from 1962 until 2011, ethnic and religious unrest was typically hushed up, an approach made easier in pre-Internet days, when there was a state monopoly on daily newspapers, radio and television, backed by tough censorship of other media.

But since an elected, though still military-backed, government took power in 2011, people have been using the Internet and social media in increasing numbers, and the press has been unshackled, with censorship mostly dropped and privately owned daily newspapers expected to hit the streets in the next few months.

The government of Thein Sein is constrained from using open force to quell unrest because it needs foreign approval in order to woo aid and investment. The previous military junta had no such compunctions about using force, and was ostracized by the international community for its human rights abuses.


  1. Why is it so ?
    Muslim Vs Hindu,
    Muslim Vs Christian,
    Muslim Vs Jews,
    Muslim Vs Shias,
    and now Violent Muslims Vs Non-violent Buddhists ?
    How come they succeed to arouse violence in the disciple of Buddha ?
    Indeed,there is Power in being Muslim.

    • Hitesh, you are either too dumb to know your history or more likely, in your hate, intentionally did not mention any of the following:
      1) Tamil Hindus vs Sinhalese Bhuddist in Sri Lanka for nearly 25 years. Of course, the Tamil Tigers were funded and supported by India;
      2) Christian killing 6 million Jews during WWII;
      3) The Jewish Stern gang cutting upon bellies of pregnant Christian and Muslim women in their quest for the new Jewish state of Israel, bombing of HBSC bank, etc.;
      4) the constant persecution of the Rohingya people by the so-called non-violent Burmese Bhuddits;
      5) the genocide of Muslims by the Orthodox Christians in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's;
      6) the genocide of the natives (Indians and aboriginals) by the white Christians in North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.;
      7) the Catholic inquisition; and
      8) Hindu fundamentalists burning down the Samjhota Express and various mosques in India;
      . . . Need I go on Hitesh, or you get the picture?

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