Reduce the mistrust


Doves must take precedence over hawks

Since the unfortunate January incident on the LoC, the mistrust between India and Pakistan has continued to increase despite attempts by saner elements from both sides to bridge the gulf. When reports regarding the incident of the beheading of the soldier come to light, responsible voices in Pakistani media had demanded an enquiry into the incident. Similarly their Indian counterparts had underlined the fact that Indian army too could not be exonerated of the ignominies of the type. It is unfortunate that an agreement on enquiry could not be reached between the two sides. Meanwhile the issue was used by the extreme right to enflame public opinion in India. It is unfortunate that the political and military leadership on the other side of the border was also swayed by public sentiment. Gradually a number of agreements to promote harmony brokered after great effort were rolled back. The measure to liberalise the visa regime for senior citizens was the first casualty. Now the group visa tourist facility has also been stalled in the wake of the attack on Indian security forces in Srinagar without fully confirming the identity of the “foreigners” involved.

The outgoing foreign minister Khar has called on the Indian leadership not to remain hostage to its domestic politics. This is an advice that Pakistani leaders too need to follow. The governments on both sides also need to have a better oversight of the military matters that impinge on their relations to avoid becoming victim to institutional prejudices or intelligence shortcomings. In the case of the January affair, New Delhi took the report of its MI as gospel truth while refusing to a joint or independent enquiry.

While it is difficult to satisfy those committed to exacerbating the tensions on both sides of the border, there is a need to expose the bogey raised by the leader of the opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley. To put the record straight Pakistan’s National Assembly did not pass any resolution to condemn the hanging of Afzal Guru. What the resolution called for was the return of Guru’s body to his family for proper burial. The rest of the resolution reiterated Pakistan’s official policy on Kashmir which did not stop former BJP Prime Minister Vajpayee to visit Pakistan and become a signatory to Lahore Resolution. The mischief is based on the mistaken headline of a Pakistani newspaper which is not supported even by the text under the headline.

Political leaders in Pakistan and India have to act like statesmen. The long term interests of the people of South Asia demand peace and mutual cooperation. Statesmanship requires pursuing the goal without falling victim to prejudices or being swayed by opinions dictated by party or institutional interests.


  1. I agree that the resolution passed by NA was for returning guru's body to his family. Has this newspaper, your govt or your army bothered to return the dead paki soldiers in Kargil to their families or even bothered to receive it from India. When kasab's body was returned why didnt you take it or for that matter all the 11 dead bodies of the mumbai attackers. Why this double standard then ?? Is an Indian muslim superior to Pak muslim after death. Strange conclusion.
    Did u pass a resolution to return the body of OBL to his family when US sunk it in the ocean. One basic point, we dont want martyrs and sufis out of convicted terrorists. That is the reason for burying the body in the jail.

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