Bergoglio becomes first Latin American pope


Argentina’s Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope Francis I on Wednesday, becoming the church’s first Latin American pontiff after a conclave to elect a leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.

The 76-year-old conservative emerged from the balcony of St Peter’s Basilica to the cry of “Habemus Papam!” (“We Have a Pope!”), as tens of thousands of pilgrims clambered over barriers and broke down in tears, overcome with emotion after suspenseful prayer vigils worldwide.

White smoke earlier billowed from the Sistine Chapel and the bells of St Peter’s Basilica rang out, signalling the election had taken place after five rounds of voting in the Vatican, one more than when Benedict XVI was elected in 2005.

Bergoglio is the first Jesuit to become pope and is believed to have been the runner-up in 2005.

The first wisps of smoke in the evening sky prompted cries of “Long live the pope!” from pilgrims clutching rosaries and waving flags in the square, where the image of the tiny copper chimney was projected onto four giant screens.

Bergoglio, who is the 266th pope in the Catholic Church’s 2,000-year history, retired to a chamber known as the “Room of Tears” immediately after the nomination to don his papal vestments and then prayed in the Pauline Chapel.

Bells pealed in churches across Italy to celebrate the announcement and residents of Rome could be seen racing to the floodlit 17th-century Vatican plaza, running out of their homes and cafes to reach the square in time.

Cardinals have been locked up behind the Vatican walls and cut off from the outside world since Tuesday, meeting in a sublime Renaissance chapel swept for recording devices and installed with scramblers to prevent any communication.

The historic election after Benedict’s abrupt resignation last month was being followed around the world on live television as well as through social media and smartphone apps, this is the first ever tweeted conclave.

“I didn’t think I would cry but I guess the adrenalin’s taking over!” said Rebecca Hine, a student from Canada who had waited two days in the rain.

“I’m overjoyed!” said a tearful Veronica, a nun from Botswana. “I’m so emotional I can hardly speak!”A breathless Ruud, a 31-year-old Dutch tourist, said: “We were having dinner nearby and heard a roar, and raced here to see for ourselves.”


  1. Why do not they ever pick a black Pope?I think this should raise lot of eyebrows.Historicaly Popes have not been kind to other religions and individuals therefore all black Roman Catholics should not even think about it. History tells us of the exploits of Pope Urban II and that does not make a good reading.

    • exactly! they have a 2000 yrs old history of picking pope, why they never picked black pope? Why?

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