Want to travel with Pervez Musharraf to Pakistan? Pay $2,500


Former president Pervez Musharraf’s party has come out with a rate card for those wanting to join his entourage for his planned homecoming from self-exile – just $2,500 or about Rs 250,000.

On March 1, Musharraf announced that he intended to end his nearly four-year-long exilem, though a date was yet to be set for his return.

However, his All Pakistan Muslim League party has already firmed up plans that will allow people to join his homecoming entourage.

$2500 will get you a confirmed one-way seat on the plane carrying 69-year-old Musharraf from Dubai to Pakistan. And the price includes invitation to a photo opportunity, reception and dinner in Dubai the night before departure.

If you don’t want to fly with him, $1,000 will allow you to attend dinner, reception and a photo opportunity in Dubai. $500 is for reception and photo opportunity while $250 will get you a hand-shake and photo opportunity with Musharraf in Dubai.

Journalists are required to pay a registration fee of $550 for travelling with Musharraf’s entourage.

The event, billed as “A unique opportunity to travel with General Musharraf to Pakistan”, has been organised by the US chapter of the APML.

Details have been posted on Eventbrite, a website that helps organise and sell tickets for such events.

Another event on the website says one can get into the VIP enclosure at the airport in Pakistan, where he will land, to receive and meet General Musharraf.

“Space is limited and admission is FREE. Available on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis”, the event details say.

The APML has also firmed up plans to challenge arrest warrants issued for Musharraf by several courts in connection with a raft of cases.


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