Don’t let sanctions kick in, warns US




The US has once again expressed reservations over the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project, hoping that Pakistan would not go in a direction that caused sanctions to kick in.

Addressing a press conference on Thursday, spokeswoman for the State Department Victoria Nuland said the US was making efforts to help resolve energy crisis in Pakistan and to advance Mangla and Jamshoro power plants.

She said gas pipeline accord with Iran was against UN sanctions.

“Just to be absolutely clear again, if this deal is finalised for a proposed Iran-Pakistan pipeline, it would raise serious concerns under our Iran Sanctions Act. We’ve made that absolutely clear to our Pakistani counterparts. And just to say again that Iran has proven again and again that it is not a reliable partner,” she emphasised.

The spokeswoman admitted that Pakistan had a lot of energy requirements and the US was working with them in close partnership on other better ways to meet those needs, through the TAPI pipeline, by supporting large-scale energy projects like the 900-megawatt power grid by 2013, or by renovating power plants in Tarbela, Mangla Dams, modernising the thermal power plants in Guddu and Muzafaragarh.

She said the US was also assisting in building new dams at Satpara and Gomal Zam. She was of the opinion that this was the right direction for Pakistan and the international community was prepared to be supportive for these projects.


  1. Some one should question the spokesperson as to where was the U.S when the world body was imposing sanctions on Rhodesia ( Now Zimbawe), the U.S refused to honor the sanctions and invoked its National Security issue, because Rhodesia at that time was supplying the U.S with some strategic mineral which was used in the defence department. So much for honoring U.N Sanctions.

  2. Today's world is different and we must not be led by my emotions.

    I would resolve this in a business like fashion and see what is more useful for Pakistan. The energy crisis of Pakistan is of a severe nature and inept civil dictators and swindlers have not been able to do any thing in this regards during the last 5 years.

    Iran is a good neighbour; it would be a good act of balancing of our relationships vs our interests.

  3. Ms. Victoria Nuland is just wasting her breth. We have already inked the Gas Pipeline project deal . we can not go back on the deal and our word. It is not Child's play.Who is she thretening with thesanctions. If they have sanctions and UN has sanactions too, Then what is the ditterence, If it is in their interest to invoke the sanctions . they can go a head with the sanctios. They should not interfere in our bilateral affairs with Iran whichis the parrt of civilized worid and nobody has kiked them out of UNO.
    Our country has been suffering for years from this crisis they have never come to help or assistus to solve the problm. My dear country men you should stand by this vital Gas pipe line project, it is the best deal in the interest of the Country and its people. Sanctions or no Sanctions, we are going to honor our committment with Iran.
    Ms. Vicky should growup, and stop harrassing {akistan. Wewill not follow her dictates, i.e, USA's dictates.
    I think she will get the message. And stop their techniques to subjugate two sovereign and independent Countries.
    JavaiD Bashir

  4. There is a constant stream of clowns from the United States, males, females and all, issuing strong statements against Iran-Pakistan pipeline which is vital for our needs and on which fair amount of work has been done already. Also, they have given waiver to many countries from the sanctions, so why not treat us the same way.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry said recently "In America, you have a right to be stupid, if you want to be." Looks like a lot of US officials have misunderstood the statement and what was stated as an option has been taken by them to be mandatory.

    Even the highest US official trembles while facing Israeli criminals much lower in rank, and takes orders from them, while increasing aid to Israel all the time. So, the Americans actually pay Israelis generously to insult them, kick them and punch them, but with Pakistanis, these weaklings get very, very tough. It is about time our officials learnt their true worth and treated them likewise. We have already incurred losses of over $ 70 billion by associating with the US war on terror, which is far more than the total aid we received from them from 1947 to date, and that is without counting the innocent lives lost. There is simply no need to increase our losses further by associating with them.


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